Chapter ThirtyNine: Tensions

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"Arthur was right, of course, they were waiting for us outside. But you know how lucky we are. We easily managed to run. Charles brought Eagle Flies at the reservation and we came back here. That's all" I say.

"Quite a thing" replies Sadie throwing her knife again.

This is one of those boring mornings in which Miss Grimshaw hasn't much work to do, so I decided to join Sadie, here in this sort of hill a little bit out of camp. I sat on a rock, polishing my gun and telling her about how we rescued Eagle Flies, while she told me about what happened in Saint Denis and how Colm O'Driscoll was finally executed as she keeps throwing that knife to the big tree in front of us.

"You know the reverend left, don't you?" I ask after a little.

I don't know why it came to my mind. I was thinking about that night when we came back after rescuing the Chief's son, tired and soaked. Everybody was asleep but the reverend, seated next to the fire, to which we approached looking for some relief from the clothes drenched by the rain. He was oddly awake and sober.

"Yes, I know. And I think Pearson is going to leave soon" replies Sadie.

It seems everybody is leaving now. I know it's better this way, they are just doing what they must to save their lives, but it also saddens me that everything is ending like this.

"You still have work to do?" Sadie asks out of nowhere.


"I know where the rest of the O'Driscolls are holed up. I want to end things."

I raise my eyes from my gun to look at her back. Honestly, I can't believe her sometimes.

"Sadie... Colm is dead. What's left of his gang won't last much without him. I guess things are pretty much ended" I say in exasperation.

She walks to the tree and takes the knife form it. Turning around, she gives me one of those looks that mean only one thing: she won't give up just because I told her to.

"I still haven't found the bastard who killed my husband" she says.

We stare at each other and in her eyes I find something, a familiar feeling, a kind of emotion that reminds me of myself until some time ago. It's a torment, a seed, a worm planted in her brain, eating it day after day. She won't find peace until she kills the man who brought everything away from her. I know. I've gone through this, and just like me, she deserves the chance to get her revenge.

I nod, showing my support. Yes, I will help her. She's about to say something else, but some footsteps distract us.

"Arthur, I wanted to speak with you" says Sadie as we both look at him.

"Just a moment. I've got something for you" Arthur addresses me.

"For me? What is it?" I ask standing and putting my revolver back in its holster.

With a smile, he makes me sign with his hand to follow him, and I do as I am asked without further questions. While we walk, exiting the woods and going towards the horses, I immediately notice the new big ivory white horse next to his.

"This is Buell" Arthur says pointing at it.

I stop suddenly to him.

"A... friend of mine entrusted me for taking care of him. And I know for sure you'll do a good work" he adds turning around to meet my eyes.

"A-Arthur, I-I..."

The words tremble in my throat. I can't believe what I am hearing. He thought about me! With all the people in camp, he thought to give me this horse! Maybe because he knows I don't have one anymore and that taking care of a new one can help me get over Isabella? I feel so thankful right now, but it isn't just thankfulness.

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