Chapter Six: Micah Bell

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"Mr. Pearson is looking for you. I think he needs something."

"Thank you, Miss Grimshaw."

I head again to the kitchen, where I've been until two minutes ago to take my coffee with Sadie and Abigail.

If Pearson needed something from me, why didn't he ask then?

"Morning Mr. Pearson. They told me you need me?"

"It's been days since someone's gone hunting! What am I supposed to put in the stew? EH!? FLIES!?"

I bring two fingers to plug my ears making him understand there is no need for him to howler like that.

"Okay, relax, I'm going immediately" I say turning around and getting away from him and his fury.

Hunting, hunting hunting. I still haven't the skill to go on my own. And the tools either. I need Charles, hoping he isn't busy.

I move my eyes across camp looking for my patient teacher. He's seated under his tent with a bow in his hands.

"Charles, I'm sorry to disturb you."

He rises his eyes on me.

"Mr. Pearson needs meet for the stew. Would you come with me, so you can help me with the bow?"

"Sure. Here, take this. I've finished it" he replies standing up and handing me the bow.

"Oh, thank you. I almost forgot."

With it he also hands me a couple of arrows and then, together, we head to the horses.

This is my first hunt ever and I must admit I can't wait to begin. I've always been a fast learner, always doing things on my own. Before leaving my parents ranch, I knew nothing about camping under the stars, set traps for the rabbits, skin them, or use a revolver.

I follow Charles until we reach a place not too far from Horseshoe Overlook, quiet enough to practice with my new bow without being interrupted.

"Okay, we should be able to find some deers here. Remember: pull the wire with all the strength you have."


"There. You see the tracks? Follow them."

Follow them. He says it like it's the easiest thing in the world, but more than once I lose the trail and he has to help me find it again.

I have my eyes fixed on the ground, focused on what could be a print as much as it could be nothing at all, when Charles lays one of his hands on my shoulder and with the other he points ahead of us. There, among the trees, there is a deer.

Charles makes me sign to get on my knees, I take one of the arrows, nock it and wait.

"Go on" he encourages me.

I pull the wire and aim, but still I don't let go, waiting for him to instruct me. Soon, I feel his presence behind me and his hands on my elbows.

"A little bit higher. Pull a little more. Okay, good. Let me see your aim."

His voice is warm and calm and has a soothing power on my mind.

"Remember, always on the left of your target. Let go when you're ready."

I let it go and before I know it, the arrow has hit the head of the deer.

"Ah!" I exclaim and turn around to smile at him.

"Good. You see, it's not that hard. Let's look for another one" he says.


"This way Pearson will be good for a few days."

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