Chapter TwentyEight: Eye For An Eye And The World Goes Blind

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"Hey! Wake up! We need to go, wake up!"


I open my eyes to look at Arthur's dark shape shaking me insistently.

"What's wrong?" I ask, but I soon understand what the problem is: in the distance, on the path, there are four men, armed and with their lanterns lighted.

"The law" Arthur vainly answers me.

Blindly, I collect all my things from the ground and load them on Isabella. Then, without a sound, we mount up and leave. It must be very soon, or very late, because the sun isn't visible in the sky yet.

"Do you think they were from New Hannover or from Lemoyne?" I ask with a big yawn.

"They could also be from Canada, for what I know! The truth is, we are wanted in too many places and for far too many reasons" he answers angrily.

I think I've just found out one of the things that annoy Arthur most: been waken in the middle of the night.


We almost reach Saint Denis when he tells me we have to split up. He has to go to the Saint Denis trolley station for a robbery.

"A robbery?" I ask.

"Bronte told Dutch about it. He kindly informed us there are generally a lot money there and he also gave us the permission to take it."

"And don't you think that could be a set up? What he gains from a robbery at the trolley station?"

"I have no idea, but Dutch don't want to lose the opportunity to make some money."

Still not convinced of their decision, I let Arthur go and I head back to camp.

It may be still very early, but Miss Grimshaw is already up and busy and she readily reminds me that I should do the same. I get to work, but I can't help thinking about this robbery at the trolley station.

How can Dutch not realize that Bronte might have lied to him? How can he fall in this kind of traps? When I met him he seemed intelligent and diffident with strangers, and now he believes to the bullshit that italian snake says? Moreover, Saint Denis is not like Rhodes, and even less like Valentine. Here, there aren't just a couple of men with a golden star on the chest to protect the city. Here there is the police. Thousands of men with the uniform controlling every alley and every corner.

I wonder how it's going and I really hope that my feeling is wrong.

The answer soon arrives.

Just before lunchtime a wagon gets to camp with Dutch and Lenny on it. I immediately understand something went wrong when I see Dutch getting down the wagon with some difficulties and Lenny has to help him.

With Hosea, John and Miss Grimshaw, we draw closer to understand better what has happened. From close up, I see things I haven't noticed from the distance: the two men's clothes are dirty and ripped and Dutch has some blood on his forehead.

"What happened?" asks Hosea.

"It was a set up. We got out of it but just about" answers Dutch.

"He needs to lay down" says Lenny supporting him.

"Oh, I'm fine! I just bumped my head" Dutch replies touching his forehead.

"Where's Arthur?" asks John.

"He's coming, he had to get the horses back."

"Miss, come. I give you some water to clean Dutch's wound" orders Miss Grimshaw.

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