Chapter Nineteen: Safe and Sound

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Needless to say that since our return to camp, I've been at the mercy of a thousand of different emotions. Anger, anxiety and frustration rise in me every time I think about Arthur. Then, it happens that Charles finds his way inside my mind, and so embarrassment and confusion take the lead.

What should I do? What can I do? Even working with Miss Grimshaw doesn't help to get me distracted and at dinner time, I sit with Kieran at the scout fire, with the same chaos inside.

"I'm surprised you're still here."

Micah. Even here, even now he finds the chance to tease me.

"What do you mean?" I ask coldly.

"Well, I thought that, after what you said, Dutch would have kicked you out. After all, we don't know what to do with a stupid rebel girl who causes troubles every day" he says with a mischievous smile.

A provocation. Of course. What else can he do?

"Well it seems that Dutch knows. After all, he keeps you with him" I reply.

We stare at each other and from his eyes I can see he's not done yet. He wants another kind of reaction.

"One day, he will have enough of you. Everybody here will have enough of you and your dramas. And then I'll watch you..."

I stop listening to him. There is someone coming out of the woods: a man at horseback, and he doesn't seem to be well.

"Arthur!" I exclaim jerking up.

I run towards him and as I do so he slips down from the saddle. My heart sinks. I knew it! I knew something was wrong. I could feel it!

"Hey, hey Arthur... a-are you okay?" I say kneeling down next to him and taking his head in my hands.

The only answer I receive is a grunt. His eyes are closed, his forehead covered in cold sweat and his shirt stained with dried blood.

More footsteps behind me make me understand some people are coming to help me.



It's Dutch, and when Arthur hears his voice, he comes back to his conscience.

"I told you it was a set up, Dutch" he mumbles.

"My boy, my dear boy, what?"

"They got me... but I got away."

"Yeah, that you did. Miss Grimshaw, I need help! Let's lift him" orders Dutch kneeling next to me.

"He was gonna set the law on us" says Arthur with a grimace of pain when we sit him up.

"Oh, of course he was."

"Arthur, oh I'm sorry Arthur" says Mr. Pearson showing up.

"It's a bit late for apologies" replies Dutch and his words annoy me, even though I try not to show it.

"Let's get him to bed" orders Miss Grimshaw when she reaches us.

I lift him from one arm, Pearson takes the other and we drag him to his tent, leaning him gently on his cot.

"You are safe now, Arthur... you're safe now" Dutch keeps saying.

"Miss Grimshaw, will you sit with him a while?" he asks then lowering his voice and addressing the woman.

"Of course. You'll be okay, Mr. Morgan, you're home" she replies taking a chair.

Again, Dutch and I exchange a look before he goes away. Turning around to follow him with my eyes I also notice everybody else left too.

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