Chapter TwentyNine: The Fall

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I walk out of my tent rubbing my eyes and frowning.

"Sorry, what time is it?" I ask to Karen waiting for me with her arms crossed on her chest and an annoyed expression on her face. She's been calling me for while.

"Almost noon. Next time go to bed early, what do you say?"
"I didn't go to bed late, I had a troubled sleep!"

"Oh well, your problem anyway. Come, we have a job to do" she says going away.

"A job? Me and you?"

"Why? You think I can't do a job?" she replies turning around to frown at me.

"No, I didn't mean it like this, just... ugh, never mind. What kind of job?" I ask heading to the kitchen.

"We have to go to the Lemoyne National Bank in Saint Denis and check it. Hosea is planning a robbery."
Alright, the famous robbery that will make us gain a lot of money and help us disappear. Hosea is been chewing my ear off for days now.

"Oh, and Miss Grimshaw says wear a dress" adds Karen.

I stop to look at her with my mouth open.

"What dress?"

"If you don't have one, ask Miss Grimshaw" she replies going away.

I roll my eyes and go take a cup of coffee. I can't wait to leave this place and be done with the Saint Denis society and its fucking dress code.


We take a wagon to reach the city and from there the bank. It's a big, yellow building with white pillars and a dark front door, but no guards. This is the State Bank and it has no protection? I ask the same question to Karen.

"Hosea and Tilly have already been here and they noticed that too. Hosea says it ain't unusual. No-one dares to rob a bank in the city centre" she explains.

"No-one but us" I whisper making her giggle.

"We've always loved challenges."

The room inside is stunning, with the blu and white decorated walls and the dark wooden floor.

Karen starts talking with one of the employees, making up a story, catching attention, trying to borrow money, faking crying, and I must say her acting skills are as good as Hosea's. In the meantime I walk around, analyzing the room, the position of the vault, the number of employees and the doors, just like I did in Rhodes.

There are two things I don't like about this bank: one, there is no backdoor, so if the police arrives, we'll have to fight to get out of here; two, it looks like a frequented bank, so there are a lot of citizens inside, and we'll have to deal with them as well.

When we get back to camp, we go looking for Hosea telling him what we have found out. No new information, but that isn't what he wanted: he wanted confirm to what he already knew.

As we are done, I do as to go away, but he calls me back.

"Come inside with me. Dutch wants your opinion."

I'm taken aback by his words. My opinion on the plan? Me? A no-one? Why?

When I walk inside I find him seated at the little table with a big map in front of him which I soon understand to be a map of Saint Denis.

"So, have you found something interesting?" he asks.

His voice is low, without enthusiasm and without the vigor he usually shows. But his eyes are the most different thing about him today: his eyes are insecure. What happened to him? What of all his charisma? It's like he took away the mask of the leader and now what is left is the real man behind it.

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