Chapter ThirtySeven: Helping A Friend Out

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Yes, I know, I've thought about it, I've thought deeply about it, I have to choose the right words, if I don't they are never going to believe me, they are never going to listen to me.

"Girls, can I talk to you for a second?"

Both Tilly and Mary-Beth look up at me. Tilly frowns.

"Is everything okay? Why you look so nervous?" she asks.

"I-I just... need to talk to you. Come, come."

What if they betray me? What if they say it to Miss Grimshaw, and then Miss Grimshaw says it to Dutch? He will consider me a traitor. And Arthur too. But do I have another choice? Leave them here? No, I can't. I promised I would have done everything to help them.

I lead them out of camp, down on the path that leads to the stream. Here, there is no danger that someone eavesdrops on us. Someone like Bill, or Javier, always on guard duty, always going around camp listening to what we talk about, looking at us with that suspicion in their eyes.

I stop by the water and turn around facing them but at the same time looking everywhere but their face. Then, as I keep feeling their insistent eyes on me, I clear my throat and finally find the words.

"I didn't ask Karen 'cause... you know, I'm not sure of what she could say around when she is... I mean when she drinks too much, a-and I must be sure this remains a secret between you and me."

We exchange a look. I take a deep breath and nod a couple of times. I tell them about Arthur's idea, about our idea of Dutch, what we think of him recently, our doubts about his plans, about his real intentions. Then, I tell them to stay ready in case our fears become true and they have to flee without previous notice. They shake their heads, they are scared, they don't want to do it, to leave the only family they have ever known.

"I know, I know. I'm scared too. But, I can't sit back and look while they ruin you. You still can make it. You still have the chance to live a decent life."

"What about the others? Abigail, Jack..." asks Tilly.

"Arthur is taking care of them. I just ask you... when you go, take Karen with you."

Yes, it seems I have managed to convince them. It seems. When we are done, we all walk back to camp and I go sit at the little round table, thinking about everything that's happening and how fast is is happening.

"May I?"

I look up and meet Trelawny's lively and sweet eyes.

"Sure" I say with a smile.

As he sits, I notice he has a couple of big bags with him. Well, at least I don't have to convince him to leave.

"Yes, I'm leaving" he states.

"You truly have a great power of mind reading, Mr. Trelawny" I laugh.

He chuckles too and I sense a change of attitude: he is definitely more relaxed now. What was he fearing? A judgement or a snitch?

"Where are you planning to go?" I ask.

"I don't have a long term program, but first thing... I think I'll go to Saint Denis, pay a visit to my family."

"Your family?" I ask amazed.

"Yes, my dear. I am a family man. Hard to say, but I am. And my wife and children haven't seen me in a while."

"Mr. Trelawny, every time I talk with you, you surprise me more and more. And... I know it won't make any difference, but I want you to know I kinda like you, and that you're doing the right thing. Leaving, I mean."

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