Chapter Fourteen: Theatrical Performance

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"Good morning Abigail, Sadie" I say to the two women.

"Morning. How are you?" asks Abigail, but from her eyes I can see she's worried about something.


"Yesterday I looked for you, but I couldn't find you."

"I was working. Why? What happened?" I ask concerned and her face relaxes a little.

"Oh, no, nothing. Just... Hosea needed someone for a job and I thought about you. John had to go with him, but Dutch asked him to do something else."

"Oh...well I'll go look for Hosea then. See what this is about."

She nods and I would like to ask more about the reason for her worry, but if she doesn't want to talk to me about it, I shouldn't insist.

A job with Hosea. That could be interesting. I've never worked with him and if he is half the genius Arthur says him to be, today is going to be a day full of fun.

With great expectancies, I wander around looking for him. I don't have to go too far, he is seated at the table under the big tree. He is always there when he reads.

"I heard you need someone for a certain job. Are you interested in my help?" I say getting closer.

"I don't know. Are you good at selling?" he asks without moving his eyes from the book.

"Erm... I'm not exactly a business woman, but I can persuade them" I joke making him smile.

"I'll think about it then. In the mean time, why don't you meet me in the woods this afternoon. There's a wagon hidden there."

I nod, even though not everything is perfectly clear to me. Hidden in the woods? Selling? What kind of job is this?

I keep busy helping Miss Grimshaw with some little job around camp before wearing hat and belt and enter the wood, looking for the mysterious wagon.

"Hey, this way" someone calls.

Hosea is waving a hand in my direction, next to him, John is seated on the wagon.

"I thought you had work to do" I say reaching them.

"I wanted to know who Hosea asked to take my place. Now I understand he considers me at the same level of a girl" he replies, and I'm not sure if he is joking or not.

"Or maybe I make no distinction between men and women" says Hosea reproachfully.

I smile amused at their exchange when some footsteps behind me make me turn around.

"Hey, what are you doing?" asks Arthur.

"Selling it back to where it came from" says Hosea pointing at the wagon and just now I notice what it contains: at least a dozen of jugs and a couple of cases full of bottles. The liquid inside, though, it's a mystery for me.

"Why?" asks Arthur again.

"Well I ain't got a market for it. They made it, they must have someone to sell it to. Stuff looked kinda lonely out here. I think we'll cut ourselves a deal."

Meanwhile, John jumps down and loads the last couple of jugs.

"You and Dutch was just doing you duty when you requisitioned it. Now I'm doing mine" Hosea keeps saying heading to the driver place.

"Is she coming too?" asks Arthur pointing at me.

"She could be helpful" replies Hosea making me sign to jump on.

As soon as John closes the back, securing the precious unknown liquid, I sit on the edge with my legs dangling out.

"Alright, I should get going now. I'll leave you fellers to it. Good luck" he says as the wagon starts moving.

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