Chapter Nine: You Speak German?

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"Are you alright?"

"Sorry, what?" I ask, pulling myself out of my thoughts.

"Is everything okay?" asks Arthur again.

"Yeah, fine... just... I don't know."

"I know it ain't easy, but it's them or us."


"You should have thought about it when you joined us."

I frown when I look at him.

"So you're saying it's my fault now."

"Hey don't turn it on me now. All I'm saying is that you knew who you were getting involved with."

Yes, I knew. Or maybe I thought I knew. But what I didn't know was that it would have changed me, even more than my family's death changed me.

When we reach camp, we find a chaos and everybody running from left to right loading things on the wagons.

It seems that when Dutch talked about gather the troops and leave, he was serious.

Arthur immediately runs inside Dutch's tent while I, under Miss Grimshaw's orders, reach my tent and start packing my things.

I've just started when Arthur comes back, walking in front of me with large heavy steps.

"The girls will take care of your things, you come with me, we've got work to do. Charles, you come too" he addresses the man who's carrying a crate.

Even though I don't like being addressed this way, I don't make him ask twice and follow him. He sounds urgent and like me even Charles seems to have understood it.

In complete silence, we mount on our horses and leave.

"So where are we going?" asks Charles before I can.

"Find a new spot to camp. We're moving" answers Arthur.

"Yeah, well I think we got it. The alternative is Dutch was tired of the disposition of the furniture" I joke.

"What happened in Valentine?" asks Charles.

As Arthur tells him about Cornwall, I start roaming in my thoughts and feelings, recalling with incredible accuracy all the scene in my mind.

"It doesn't sound good" says Charles's gloomy voice in the end.

"And they must know where we are by now" adds Arthur.

I know he's talking about the law. Everybody in that camp is in danger right now.

"So, we're heading south?" ask Charles.

"Yeah, area called Dewberry Creek. Dutch wants us to give it a look, make sure it's clear and good place to lie low for a while" explains Arthur.

"I've only known him a few months, but... the way he talks, I never thought I'd see him wanting to head south."

"Why? What's the problem with the south?" I ask.

"Oh, you're probably to young to know about the war" Arthur jabbed.

"I know about the war" I reply huffily.

"Oh, okay. Well Dutch has his reasons: his father died in the war, killed by a southerner, and he doesn't like the way they think down there."

"Without mentioning the way some of us will be treated" adds Charles.

Right, I had completely forgot that. Tilly, Lenny, Charles. For me it makes absolutely no difference which part of the country I move to, for Dutch and Arthur and probably the rest of the group, it makes no difference either, but for them...

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