Chapter Seven: Train Heist

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 I open my eyes but close them back right after. The beam of light the comes from the open curtains blinds me and forces me to roll on my other side.

The hell... that's odd, I remember I closed them last night. How did they open themselves? Maybe... maybe they haven't, maybe someone came inside while I was asleep.

I jerk upright making myself dizzy, and the same bloody ray of sun hits my eyes again.

"Fuck" I murmur bringing a hand on my face and rubbing it.

That must be it, someone came inside, but who? And why? Some thieves who found the camp and believed they could make some money?

I take a look at my things and notice that everything is exactly where I left it.

No, no thieves. And then, it's impossible, there's always someone on the watch, also during the night.

With no clue, I get up and walk outside. If something happened the camp would be in turmoil.

Walking towards the kitchen, I don't see anything strange and I start to think that maybe I really forgot them open. But it can't be, I do remember I closed them.

"Morning" says Sadie as I draw close and take a cup of coffee.

"Morning to you. All calm?"


"Even tonight?"

She frowns.

"Sure. Why shouldn't it?"

"Uhm, nothing, never mind."

Walking around the camp, I keep looking at the people faces, hoping to catch a worried expression, a strange frowning, a lost look, but nothing.

Maybe it wasn't someone outside camp, but on the inside. But... if someone broke into my tent, he or she would have a strange behavior, like he or she is hiding something, and here, everyone seems fine.

"Good morning sweetie. You slept well?"

At the beginning I don't pay attention to him, but then, like an epiphany, I stop and turn around to look at his smirking face.


"What?" he asks and from his bewildered face I immediately understand he has nothing to do with it. No, definitely not him. He wound have a satisfied expression.

I shake my head and go away.

"Yeah well... that's because I try to be kind" he shouts at my back and I answer him with a gesture which is better not to describe here.

I just take a few steps more, when John comes to talk to me. That's strange too. From what I've seen in these days, he's always on his own, constantly antagonized by his wife and by Arthur too. I expected anything but seeing him walk towards me to talk.

"I just...err, wanted to thank you for what you've done for Jack. Since you've been with him, he's different. You know... I care about my family. At least, I'm trying. How can I return the favor?"

"Oh, don't mention it. He's a wonderful kid."

"Yes, yes, he is. But, serious, if there's something, just ask."

Something he can do for me? Where does all this kindness come from? I mean, we barely exchanged two words and now... now he wants me to ask him for a favor? And then, he speaks of Jack like he actually cares about him, when Abigail always complains he doesn't do shit for his son. What's going on here?

"Maybe there is something you can do" I say.

"Tell me."

What can he do for me? There's only one thing I need: as much work outside camp as possible.

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