Chapter TwentyThree: Angelo Bronte

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The sun, low on the horizon, projects our long shadows on the road in front of us as I follow Dutch and John on the path that leads to Saint Denis.

Lemoyne. With its swamps, and its alligators, and its bugs, and its families of crazies. What are we doing here? Why hasn't Dutch commanded us to move north, or even better, west?

"How did you find him so quickly?" asks John.

"It seems that Mr. Angelo Bronte is well known. A rich and powerful man with a beautiful house in the city centre. Find him wasn't hard" answers Dutch.

"Great we're catching some more unrequited attentions on us" I say bitterly.

"It's necessary, if we want Jack back. And then it was you who insisted to come, so it's your choice to expose yourself" replies Dutch.

"I don't worry about me. But cause more troubles means putting in danger the rest of the group and I don't want that what happened to Sean happens to someone else."

Like Charles.

"That won't happen again, I promise, to both of you."

He always talks like he has the power to stop death itself and he makes me so angry, because in the end he has no power at all, except maybe the power to take bad choices. But at least he seems to believe in these words and I like to think he will do anything to make things right now.

Saint Denis is exactly how I imagined it. A mass of steal and sewer, full of drunks and beggars. It has some good aspects, though: wide streets, a good park, shops with attractive windows... nothing worth enough that might want me to live here anyway.

We turn left and travel a series of little alleys until we reach a big wooded square. We get down the horses and stop in front of a house.

"Must be it. Let's wait for Arthur" says Dutch sitting on a bench.

"I know you're nervous, son" he adds to John who takes place next to him.

"But remember to keep calm. We don't know who we are dealing with, so just let me do the talking. The same is for you. I let you come with us, but don't you think you can go inside there and say and do what you please" he says to me.

"I'll be good, I promise, but if they try to fool us..."

"They won't. You just do your part and I'll do mine. And we'll take that boy back. Tonight."

He finishes with such a determination that I'm not able to add nothing else, so we just stay quiet and wait for Arthur, who shows up a couple of minutes later.

"There you are" says Dutch standing up.

"What is she doing here? I thought you said me, you and John" he replies pointing at me.

"I'm happy to see you too, Arthur" I joke.

"She insisted to come. Have you found something else about this guy?" asks Dutch heading towards the house.

"Not much, just that he's some slick, little, greasy-haired European who's clearly got power and money. Now, listen, if we go in there and start shooting up the place, the boy's gonna get shot. That I guarantee. Feller like this is gonna have a lot of protection."

"Ain't no one gonna get shot, Arthur, so everyone just relax. We'll charm him. Trust me."

Bronte's house is classy and majestic with a heavy iron gate and a high wall to protect it. An italian guy with a house like this, guards at the entrance and involved in an illegal liquor business. I'm starting to get an idea of who we are about to meet.

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