Chapter TwentySeven: Cornwall Kerosene & Tar

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The camp is oddly silent. Here in Shady Belle there's always calmness, but not like this. Maybe what happened to Kieran affected everybody and not just me.

The guilt is haunting me like a rabid hungry dog, and every time I stop it catches us and feeds on a piece of my mental health. I need to distract myself, work, go hunting, take Isabella and go find some job.

"How's the hand?" asks Sadie as we drink our coffee together.

"Better. Charles was great in taking away all the pieces of glass."
"And he also put a good bandage" she adds with a naughty smile.

"He was very gentle if you really want to know" I say sticking my tongue out in a grimace.

"Well, lucky you."

We both start laughing and being silly, until Arthur walks closer and asks me if I'm ready to go.

"Sorry, ready to go where exactly?" I ask confused.

"To Citadel Rock. We have to meet the great chief's son."

"Oh, it's today?"

"What do you say?"

"Idiot" I giggle and hit his shoulder with my fist before heading to the horses.

To go back in New Hannover we need to ride for hours. We stop only once, near the Scarlett Meadows, to eat something and stretch our legs. When we finally reach the border, thick clouds have already gathered above our heads. It's going to rain soon.

Eagle Flies is on a ridge that overlooks the valley, a really good spot to watch the entire oil factory and check the movements of those who go in and out. We dismount the horses and reach him as the first drops fall on my face.

"You came" says the boy putting down the binoculars and turning to look at us.

"Of course we came, we said we would" replies Arthur.

"There's a foreman, his name is Danbury. He has the files in the office above the refinery room" he informs us giving the binoculars to Arthur.

"It's that window with the blind drawn up, you see it?"

"Yeah" answers Arthur studying the factory in the distance.

"If the files are as incriminating as we believe, Mr. Cornwall's men will destroy them if they know you're coming."

"There's only one of me, son. I don't intend for them to know I'm coming."

As I process his words in my brain, I frown at him.

"What?" I exclaim making both of them turn in my direction.

"And what should I be doing? Stay here and watch you?"

A thunder rumbles above our heads. It's going to be a real storm.

"If I go alone there are more chances for me not to be seen" says Arthur.

"The same is for me. Why can't I go?" I reply.

"And what if Danbury is in his office? What if you have to convince him to give you the documents?" he asks.

Convince him. I know what he means, and he is right, he has more experience with this kind of things and if it should get bad, he surely has more chances than me to get out of there. But I didn't come here just to sit down and look at him do all the work.

"What will the files say?" he asks.

"There's a report from Leland Oil Development Company" explains Eagle Flies.

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