Chapter ThirtyFour: The Meaning of Treason

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There is something different. As I open my eyes, I feel something different. The white cloth of my tent is the same, the blanket under my head is the same, the smell of the earth is the same, but now around my waist there is a weight.

As I brush Charles's hand with my fingers I smile to myself and turn around to look at him, being careful not to wake him. While he sleeps his face is very similar to the one he has when he's awake: his brow a little furrowed, in an expression more of pain rather than anger, his jaw closed, his teeth grinding. Whatever hunts his thoughts and dreams, doesn't let him sleep peacefully.

I bring a hand to his cheek and touch his lightly grown beard, tracing the scar that looks like a lighting striking the earth. Now that I think about it, I've always wondered how he got it, but I never asked. Some things seem too personal for me to ask. Maybe one day, when we'll know each other enough to tell our deepest secrets.

My touch now wakes him, and he removes the arm from around me to take my hand and kiss it softly.

"Morning" I chuckle.

"You slept well?" he asks opening his eyes.

"Better than ever."

We get out and give a look around and I notice there is something else that feels different this morning: the camp, the atmosphere between us. I thought that, once the others had come back, things would have gone back to normal, but it doesn't feel normal, it feels cold, distant, like a lover who lost interest in his significant other.

I'm about to ask Charles if he feels that too, but I have no chance, because in the distance I spot Arthur on his horse, surely coming back from Annesburg. Yesterday, it took us the entire day to go back to Lakay, gather the others and lead them to Beaver Hollow. We settled the camp in the night and then I literally passed out in my tent for the tiredness.

"Hey, Arthur. How's that poor woman?" I ask.

"She'll be fine. Took her home, to her mother. You had any troubles?"

"Hey, Arthur!" calls Dutch from the distance.

Arthur leaves us to go speak with the boss. I sigh looking at him going away.

"They all seem so different since they're back" I think out loud.

"We don't know what happened there, but it mustn't have been nothing good from what Arthur says" replies Charles.

I turn to look at him, but again, there is something that catches my attention. In the distance, walking... no, not walking, stumbling and staggering, clearly drunk, there is Miss O'Shea. She is followed by Uncle, who every now and then takes her arm to sustain her, but she pushes him away with decision.

"So, Dutch! Did you miss me?" she yells making everybody look at her.

"I found her, drunk in Saint Denis" explains Uncle.

"You're back. How jolly, Miss O'Shea" says Dutch with coldness.

"It's Molly, you sack of shit!"

"Back and drunk."

Why has she come back? Why is she so decided to live with him? With a man that doesn't respect her, that treats her bad, that says mean things to her? I don't understand.

Molly moves closer to him and we all do the same, attracted by the incoming drama like bears with honey.

"Who made you the Lord God Almighty?"

"Molly, calm down."

"I won't be ignored, Dutch Van der Linde. I aren't him..." she says pointing at Micah.

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