Chapter Twenty: Peace Offering

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Arthur is finally able to stand up, but he still can't ride or shoot, so he can't move from camp, even less work. This means everybody else is getting busy to find something big, maybe something about the Braithwaites or the Grays. Hosea told me more about them and he also said he believes both families own some kind of fortune.

In a moment of pure boredom, I volunteered to go to the city and find something about the Grays; after all, apart from that mess at the saloon, I haven't caused any more troubles in town, so they shouldn't recognize me and acquire some information shouldn't be hard.

Hosea approved and he also said he's happy that I'm doing my best for the gang. I think what he really meant is that this is a good start to try and get even with Dutch. When I get to Rhodes, the town is half deserted. I leave the belt with the revolver on Isabella before taking a walk through town.

Maybe it's because of the scorching heat of the last few days if the citizens decided to stay home. But, if most of the people chose not to venture on the streets, this doesn't apply to the elder ones, who decided to challenge the high temperatures and go sit under the shadow of the shops, talking amiably between them. Age makes reckless, my mother aways said that.

They are my target. Who knows better the secrets of the place and of the families who live here if not them? Besides, I've already done this in Valentine and it doesn't seem difficult to get the favor of the local people. If Dutch did it...

The first man who gets my attention is an old war veteran, seated in front of the general store, but I don't have to catch any attention and talk with the first man I meet could make the other people suspicious, so I keep walking.

I walk past houses and stores, pass the sheriff's office and greet a man who should be his deputy. I follow the main road until I see five men seated down the porch of a house, playing poker. It could be my chance: a passerby, curious about their game, who stops to talk with them.

I approach the table and observe silently, waiting for one of them to raise his eyes and ask me something.

"Can we help you?"

Bait taken.

"Me?" I ask faking surprise. I must look stupid, so they will treat me in consequence and it will be easier to make them talk.

"Yes, you. Can we help you?"

The others, distracted from their game, look up at me too, some curious, some annoyed, some not even aware of the presence of a stranger, if their friend hadn't made them notice.

"Oh! No, no, don't stop playing. I'm just curious. You know, I never learned how to play. Actually, I'm not good with numbers. You know, my father died when I was a child and my mom, she helped me with the letters and the numbers, but she wasn't good either so..."

I let out a childish and naive laugh.

"I think I'm a little bit like her" I say in the end.

"Clearly... well if you want you can take a seat and watch it closer" says the man looking at me with a snooty gaze.

I seize the opportunity. I show interest to one of the most boring plays I've ever seen. The one with the round glasses is obviously bluffing, the one next to him is trying, but without success, and the only one who actually has good cards doesn't seem to know. In the end wins the bald one with a stroke of luck that makes him gain 3,45 $.

Yep, exciting. Anyway, I congratulate with him and in exchange he asks me about my family. I start making up a heartbreaking past that could push them to feel piety for me and it seams it works because they actually trust me so much that hey start telling me about the city, about the Grays and their enemies, the Braithwaites.

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