Chapter TwentyTwo: A Mother's Love

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"What happened?

No one answers to my question. I move my inquiring eyes among them: Molly, Strauss, Mr. Trelawny, Kieran and finally Dutch. He sighs deeply and for a moment I think he doesn't want to tell me anything. Fearing my reaction maybe?

"Some men took Jack" he says in the end.

"What do you mean?"

"I've seen two men near camp, on the shore, when you're gone to bury Sean" Kieran steps in with his insecure voice.

"And Jack was playing there so...I think they could have taken him" he adds.

"What men? Pinkertons?" I ask to Dutch.

"No, we think they could be Braithwaites."
" did they... how..."
"We believe they followed Bill and Micah from Rhodes."

Of course those two idiots where followed. And after what just happened in Rhodes they found the perfect moment to take us unprepared. But, what do they want from a child? Is it some kind of revenge? He is just a kid for God's sake!

"There's no need to get nervous. So, just relax. We are doing all we can" says Dutch and when I look up at him, grinding my teeth nervously, I notice he is addressing me. Yes, he is definitely worried about my reaction.

His eyes move up to look at something behind me, so I turn around and finally feel some relief.

"Arthur" I say.

"Arthur, have you seen that boy, Jack?" asks Dutch.

He opens his mouth to answer, but instead Abigail's voice fills the air.

"Where's my goddamn son? Where is he? Where's my son? They took him didn't they? They took my son!" she shouts running out of her tent.

Right after her, John comes out like he wants to stop her somehow, but he soon gives up. No, nothing is gonna stop her now and not until we'll get Jack back.

"Who took him?" asks Arthur.

"We think the Braithwaite woman took him" says Hosea walking towards us with a slight panting, just like he's been running.

"That Kieran saw a couple of fellers, sound like Braithwaite boys."

"Where's my son? If anything... where's my son, Dutch Van der Linde?" Abigail keeps saying just like these are the only words she has been left to express her distress.

In a way, I can understand her. She is a mother. I would make a mountain move to have my son back, and she doesn't seem capable of less. But despite her great strength, her eyes are shiny and the only thing I can do is put a hand on her shoulder to give her my comfort. Everything else seems vain.

"We will find him, we will bring him back to you and we will kill any fool that had the temerity to touch one hair on that boy's head. Abigail, you have my word" says Dutch.

"Just get me back my son."

"I will get that boy back, so help me God, right now."

He goes away and the only thing I can think of doing is follow him.

"Dutch, we just heard about Jack. You need some extra guns?" asks Bill, Javier and Charles right after him.

Charles probably went back to Sean's grave to tell the others about Jack's disappearance and they all came as soon as they could.

"Yeah, why not? Micah, Kieran, anyone strange turn up, you kill 'em! Rest of you, let's ride!" orders Dutch heading to the horses with most of the men following him. Well, most of the men and a woman, because it doesn't matter what they say, I will be there tonight, when they'll find Jack and they'll make that woman pay for what she's done.

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