Chapter Four: Social Call

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Out of the corner of my eye I spot another two figures walking in the same direction as mine. I slow down looking at Dutch and Bill approaching Mr. Morgan and Kieran, who now is shrinking on himself, terrorized.

Something's definitely wrong.

" how about you tell the truth" Bill is threatening the tied man.

I stop to watch the scene from a fair distance, crossing my arms on my chest. Dutch glances at me, I guess to understand my intentions, before he focuses completely on Kieran.

"What you want me to do?" asks Bill.

"Hurt him! So the next time he opens his mouth it is to tell us what is going on" yells Dutch.

"Who am I kidding? One of O'Driscoll's boys couldn't open his mouth but he'd tell a lie" he adds with his face only a few inches from Kieran's.

In the meantime my mind keeps fighting an impossible battle: should I help him or not? Is he one of the monsters who killed Sadie's husband, or just a a poor fool who got mixed up? Who is the bad guy here?

"Kieran" I utter, the word comes automatically out of my mouth.

Everybody looks at me now and I try to keep the most stoic expression I can fake, without moving my eyes from Kieran's face.

"Okay, okay... listen" he says catching again all the attention on him.

"I know where O'Driscoll's holed up and you're right, he don't like you, any more than you like him. He's at Six Point Cabin."

The three men look at each other in surprise.

"I'll take you there, serious. I don't like him. I mean, I like him even less than I like you. No offense" he adds looking at Dutch.

"Oh, none taken" he replies and immediately after he moves his eyes on me and he takes a threatening expression.

Is he judging me or putting me back into my place or maybe he's just angry at me because I stole his thunder?

"Okay then, partner. Why don't you take a few of us up there, right know. I got this, Dutch. Should be fun" says Morgan cutting Kieran free.

"Bring her with you" orders Dutch pointing his finger at me, our eyes still fixed in each other.

Without flinching I nod slowly, managing to show a strength I'm not sure to have.

"Alright, let's go" says Arthur pushing Kieran away.

Like a good second in command, Morgan orders Bill and John to ride with us. The latter will be responsible for Kieran. Every false move, he's dead.


 According to Kieran's directions, Six Point Cabin is in the Cumberland Forest, so we follow the path northward. During the entire way, they don't stop making fun of him, insult him, threat him of death or tremendous mutilation. I stay behind, in silence, neither taking part to the sick game nor defending him.

He can't be that bad if he's helping us, can he? Moreover, who said he is one of the men responsible of what happened to Mrs. Adler? He does not look like someone who could do something like that. Not all criminals are the same. Some of them are just because they have to.

My head is eaten by the thoughts when Morgan slows up to walk beside me.

"You haven't said a word" he remarks.

I don't answer, I don't know what to say. I don't reckon it's wise to tell him I don't like the way they are treating Kieran.

"Dutch wasn't happy of your intrusion."

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