Chapter Five: Envy & Friendship

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Today is the day of the washing, something completely new for me. I didn't believe this camp to be organized in such a way, but with Miss Grimshaw in charge, what else could I expect?

Everybody changes their clothes, we have to put the dirty ones inside some sacks, load them on a wagon, go down to the Dakota River, not far from camp, and wash them.

Useless to say the girls don't seem very happy. I'm the first who isn't happy to go wash someone else's clothes, but it's their use so, I have to comply.

"You take the reins" says Miss Grimshaw when I get to the wagon. She sits next to me while the others climb on the back.

As we silently head to the stream, I can't help but think about yesterday night and what I've found out about Strauss.

The thoughts and bad dreams have kept me awake for most of the night. It seems impossible to me that Dutch can accept a usurer in his group. A usurer: a man who limits other people's freedom exactly like any law or government does. Isn't it against any of his values? I thought they were different, but now I'm starting to think they're just like any other group of criminals, ready to do anything just to gain some money.

Once arrived, we leave the wagon on the side of the street and walk to the shore carrying the heavy sacks of clothes.

"Come on, to work!"

At Miss Grimshaw's command I start to rub and wash.

Some clothes have blood stains, some are muddy, many smell of alcohol, but I must confess, I imagined them to be definitely in a worst state, considered that they mostly belong to men.

"Whose pants are these?" asks Mary Beth.

"Mine" I reply.

"Why don't you wear dresses like all of us?" asks Karen.

"Do you have a problem with women who wear pants?" Sadie steps in.

"No, I just don't understand why she acts like she's special and she wears trousers and goes working with the men and..."

"I just do what they tell me, I don't act special" I reply a little annoyed by her accusations.

"All I'm saying is that there is enough work at camp to keep all of us busy" Karen carries on.

"Look who's talking! You're the one that works like a slave, right?" says Abigail

"But she's right, there's plenty of work" remarks Tilly.

"Everybody shut your mouths and mind your business!" yells Miss Grimshaw.

The discourse focuses on something else. I work silently, without taking part at the conversation and for most part not even listening to them.

Do they despise me because I work with the men? Why? I've only done what Dutch asked me. And moreover, work outside means double fatigue, because Miss Grimshaw surely doesn't take it in consideration when she commands me to take care of the camp chores. There is truly nothing to be jealous of.

Not being involved in their discourse also means being faster in washing, so when I'm done, earlier than any one of them, I decide to move a little bit farther from where they are working and take some clean water to drink.

I wonder who Strauss will send to collect the debts now. He has to be someone strong and threatening, like Bill, but also smart enough not to kill the debtor. Maybe Charles? Or Javier? I reckon Javier can be really scary when he wants to.

But, does it matter who he'll send? I already know what is going to happen, what they'll do to those poor people. And it's disgusting.

Miss Grimshaw calls me back and we reload everything on the wagon to return to camp. There, we stretch a couple of wires and hang the laundry.

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