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As John walked down the street he kept glancing around hoping no-one would recognize him. He had promised to himself oven and over again never to set foot again in that goddamn city, but for his friend, this was a sacrifice he was keen to make.

How many things they had to talk about. His new farm, how he found Uncle in Blackwater, and Sadie in Valentine. And he wanted to know what his friend had done in all those years. Eight years.

"So...what happened?" asked Charles leading him out the alley and on the main road.

"You mean back then? Arthur helped me get out, gave me a chance to... live, I guess. Y-you know that Arthur..."

He couldn't understand why talking about Arthur was so hard for him, even after all that time.

"Sure. Word got to me up North, so I got back and buried him and Miss Grimshaw."

"And what about... her?"

John didn't know if say her name or not. Sadie had explained to him what had happened between Fred and Charles right before she got killed, and he didn't want to awake in Charles bad memories of the past. But it was too late.

Charles slowed his pace as the memory of the person he loved most in the world brought back an almost unbearable pain. He hadn't heard of her since then, and he hadn't said her name anymore, hoping he would just forget her.

"I don't know where she is, she never came back to me. Maybe she run away, maybe she understood I wasn't worth it and she left me" he said and he felt his own voice full of resentment.

John put a hand on his friend's shoulder to make him stop and look at him right in the eye.

"She didn't run away, Charles. She's..."

There was no need to finish the sentence. With a slight change in his look, John was aware that his friend had understood. How couldn't he know? Why no-one ever told him? All those years Charles had hated her for leaving him like that, for what she had done, blamed her for her choice, and now...

"How?" he just asked.

"She went with Arthur and Sadie to rescue Abigail from the Pinkertons. They shot her."

She had given her life for them, she sacrificed herself, and he wasn't there, he couldn't help her, he couldn't say goodbye, and all because of that stupid fight they had over nothing. He wasn't even angry at her that night, he was just... overwhelmed by everything. How stupid! How stupid he had been! And now, how could he forgive himself for not staying by her side? For pushing her away and make her leave? For not saying 'I love you' for one last time?

"I'm sorry friend" said John.

"Do you know where her body is?" asked Charles.

He couldn't forgive himself, but at least he could have asked her for her forgiveness. On her tomb.

"We never rescued her. I think Pinkertons got it."

So, that's how it ended. He had abandoned the love of her life, left her to die, and now every trace of her on earth was erased.

Charles lowered his head and closed his eyes, trying to summon her face, how she looked like. If there was a place where she still existed it was in his mind. But the process was harder than he thought to be and just her eyes, her beautiful eyes were the only thing that he could picture.

After all those years he had tried to forget her, it seemed he had finally succeeded.


Hello friends!

We are at the end of this adventure. I want to thank you all for the support, the comments, the votes, and the patience for my terrible way of writing sometimes. This is the biggest thing I've ever done and the fact that you followed it until the end literally makes me cry.

I hope you liked it. I wanted to write something that follower the main story adding another character, my character, and I did it.

If you are interested in reading something else, something different, out of the main story (more or less) just check my next work.

Again, thank you for everything and (I hope) see you soon!

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