Chapter TwentyFour: A High Society Girl

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The day starts hot and wet. The marshland we're in isn't exactly the best place to live with all the dampness, the mud and the bugs everywhere. I swear I have every inch of my skin covered in mosquitos bites. Annoying useless creatures, why do they exist? To drive me crazy?

I'm drinking my coffee with Sadie and Abigail, when Mis Grimshaw approaches us with a military pace.

"Miss Faraday, let's go! Mr. Williamson is waiting for us" she says.

"Excuse me?"

"We have to go to the city and clean you up for tonight."


"Come! Now!"

I look at Sadie and Abigail, begging them with the eyes, but they limit themselves to smile and shrug. I give them a dirty look before I go away. A promise of vengeance for their denied help.

At the carriage, Molly O'Shea is waiting for us, with her usual princess attitude. If this is how the day is starting, I would better start to pray.


Saint Denis in the morning has a completely different effect. It is a city full of life with gentlemen and ladies walking in the streets, and without all those shady figures creeping in the alleys. I might even describe it as pleasant, if it wasn't for the long-lasting smell of coal and oil coming from the factories.

While we drive on the large alley, I look out from the stagecoach window and start feeling uncomfortable at the idea that I have to overdress myself like an exhibition horse and parade in front of the haughty gazes of the city nobility. I keep thinking they could have perfectly gone without me. Bronte wouldn't even notice my absence. Unless Dutch has other plans for me. Maybe he believes a woman can find the favor of the italian more easily? What am I? A cow to sell?

The resentment towards Dutch and his bad decisions follows me for all the way to our destination, which in this case, it's a shop. Getting down the coach, I glance at the windows full of colorful fabrics.

Here we go.

As soon as we step inside, Miss Grimshaw and Miss O'Shea throw themselves on the catalogue and start turning the pages and whisper between them.

"This one" says Molly at the end, pointing at something on the paper.

"Follow me" tells me the tailor.

I go inside the dress-room and two maidens start undressing me. The first thing they help me put on are the shoes, all shiny and high. I stumble a little before finding my balance. Then, they make me wear a large petticoat and start tightening the corset. I gasp when they strongly pull the strings. Finally I wear the dress: its dark blue, with a wonderful neckline that highlights... everything. I go out the dress-room paying attention on where I step. The last think I want to do is break my neck.

"No, no my dear. Keep your head high and look right in front of you. And then..." says Molly coming next to me and grabbing my hair.

"I think this way's better" she adds pulling them up.

"Definitely. We need a necklace, and earrings. Pearls, maybe" says Miss Grimshaw to the tailor, who nods and runs to the other room.

He comes back after a couple of minutes with what we have asked for. Miss Grimshaw helps me wearing everything and then pushes me in front of the mirror.

"Holy shit!" I whisper amazed.

"Language, Miss. Remember where you have to go" Miss Grimshaw scolds me but I don't listen to her.

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