Chapter TwentyOne: The Unexpected

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Fine. Everything seems to be fine. At least for now. My recent job put me in good light with Dutch again and for what concerns the rest of camp I'm not having any problem. Quite the contrary they seem to appreciate me every day more.

I spend most of my time working with Miss Grimshaw and especially Mr. Pearson, now that Sadie resigned from kitchen assistant, and in my free time I practice with the bow, with little improvement until now, or play with Jack and our new four legged member.

More time I spend with him, the more I'm understanding that Jack is a child with an incredible sensibility. Sure, he admires John, Arthur and Hosea, but he doesn't seem interested in guns and violence or anything else that surrounds him. He's attracted by the stories from the past, by nature and he shows a deep affection for his mother. He has a romantic soul and when he'll grow up, I can already imagine him as an intellectual, a man of culture.

He reminds me of George, the boy that helped us at the ranch. He had a dreamer mind, too, but his family and his funds never gave him the possibility to travel outside our shire.

I watch Jack as he throws a little leather ball to Cain, the dog, and I make myself a proposition: until I stay with them, I'll try to help Abigail and John as I can, so to give Jack a better future than George's.

In the evening, I spend my time with almost everyone else and especially Sadie who, like me, started to sit around the campfires with the men. It looks like Micah doesn't like this very much, but he must be careful: Sadie is not like me and he better watches his mouth if he doesn't want to see one of his ears reaped apart. Oh, what a beautiful sight it would be.

Sometimes it happens that Javier takes his guitar to play something. With him things aren't so good. He treats me with coldness and gives me dirty looks and silent treatment when I try to talk about his feeling for me. All I'm trying to do is make him understand that it's not my fault if I don't feel the same and that his unrequited feelings don't mean that we can't be friends.


Talking about feelings, I haven't spent some time alone with Charles anymore. I don't know if I must be happy or not about that. When I came back from the bank robbery he asked me how it went and we talked a little about it, but right after things got awkward and I had to run away like an idiot. Oh, fuck me!

We heard some voices from Rhodes: the bank has been robbed. The witnesses talked about two men with their faces covered. Alec kept his promise and Miller didn't step in. Good, this makes things way easier, because it means we can keep moving freely in town.

After these good news everybody is looking for another heist, eager to prove themselves. Even Trelawny is getting busy. He went to the city a couple of times, coming back with empty hands, but talking about some 'precious informations'. I guess only he knows what he's talking about.


Something happened today: we removed Arthur's bandages. Now he can go back to rob, kill, threat and all those good things he generally does. Despite it, I'm so happy he recovered fast.

Bill has been sent to town and when he's come back he said something about a job with the Grays, a security job it seems.

"Why don't you come with us?" he asks me, when Dutch orders him to go back to Rhodes and find out more details.

"This way it'll be, me, you, Micah and Sean. A woman could be useful, just in case we need a little drama."

"A little what?"

"A little drama. You know, you women do that. You act like crazy sometimes."

I frown at him, trying to understand if he is serious or not. He can't be serious. He just can't.

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