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𝚉𝚊𝚔'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

Zak just sat there sort of cradling Darryl. It hurt Zak to see Darryl cry, because it meant that he was in pain, and that he was upset. A man like Darryl doesn't deserve to be upset and sad, he deserves the best. But after a few minutes Darryl had stopped crying.

"You alright Darryl? What happened, you can tell me it's okay."

Darryl sighed, "I just feel like people on my streams don't really like me that much, they just won't stop with the dumb memes and it seems like they don't really care about the stream itself, Or me at that.  And they always donate the muffiniest, most annoying things. It's like I can't even stream properly anymore, it's just so frustrating."

Zak looked down. He sorta felt like part of this was his fault. I mean..the memes were for sure his fault.

"I'm so sorry Darryl, you really deserve better.."

Darryl lifted up Zak's head so he was now looking at him, "No, It's not your fault Zak, don't apologize. People can just be...stupid sometimes.."

Zak hugged Darryl again, "I'm still sorry though, this is my fault. I mean, the memes and everything I caused.."

"Zak no! Don't blame yourself. This isn't your fault, don't be so hard on yourself."

Zak sighed and just kept hugging Darryl.

The two stayed like that for about 2 minutes, Just enjoying the silence between each other.

"Hey," Darryl started, "Wanna go bake some muffins?" Darryl was attempting to cheer the pair up, they both needed this, let's be honest.

Zak smiled, "Yeah, I'd love to."


The two boys were currently making a few batches of muffins together.

Darryl just put his batch in and was about to put Zak's batch in. After he made room for Zak's batch he put them in and closed the oven. He set a timer for them and started the oven.

"All set!" He said as he walked towards the sink to wash his hands.

Zak looked behind him and looked at the bag of flour. He suddenly had an idea..was it a good one? No.

"Hey Darryl, can I ask you something..?"

He snickered.

Darryl turned around to face Zak, "Sure what's u-"

Zak threw the bag of flour at him.

Darryl stood there frozen for a moment.

"HAHAHA!" Zak giggled.

Darryl just silently walked over to the pantry and grabbed another bag of flour. He smirked and then opened the bag.

He stood still for a moment before throwing the bag at Zak.

Now it was Darryl's turn to laugh.


Zak started laughing.

"What's so funny!? Geppy!!"

Zak scooped up some flour in his hands. Once Darryl noticed Zak was doing this he did the same.

They both threw the flour at eachother laughing.

This continued for a while until the oven made a noise.


The two turned and looked at the oven, then looked back at eachother.

"Well.." Darryl started, "We should clean up now and get those muffins out of the oven now huh?"

Zak smiled and nodded.


Okay okay. Yes Ik Ik this chapter was short BUT. I'm gonna be making a halloween special for tn or something like that. But Yee Yee Yee Yee!

pls enjoy this short chapter and expect something later.

Also, I wanted to thank you all for almost 100 followers, 6k reads, and all the votes and comments. The support is amazing honestly. So ty guys sm.

Ilya ♡

Chapter Title- Muffins

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