Chapter 1

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Hi everyone! this is story contains strong language and sexual references and corse language through our the story of you are under 18, I wouldn't recommend reading it, you have been warned. Also I do apologise for any poor grammar.


Excited doesn't even begin to cover how I am feeling about my first day of college at Parkersville University in the USA , it actually starts on Monday but I wanted to get here early on Friday to settle in and meet my roommates, and hopefully navigate my way around campus.
My next door neighbour and long time friend Shane, offered to help bring my belongings to my dorm room, my father was busy promoting his latest novel, and my step mum was looking after my younger Sister Claire at home, she's sixteen and she has a brain tumour in her head that can't be removed, it's too close to her vital nerves.
My biological mother Anita, divorced my dad when she found out that he was having an affair with Monica, they met on one of dads business trips, I was mad at my father for a long time, but I just couldn't be mad at him anymore after I saw how happy Monica made him, and now Monica and I are on good terms.
I didn't even want to go to college this year, I wanted to stay home with Claire and enjoy her last few months with her, but she wouldn't let me.
The university campus was incredible, it had plenty of onsite buildings, cafe's, bars, coffee shops, and Beautiful rose bushes and Luscious plants all around campus, and stairs, SO MANY STAIRS, I'm going to be fit by the end of year that's for sure.
I finally found my dorm room, number 48 and I knocked on the door and a pretty girl with blonde hair answered the door.
"You must be Hannah Goodman, so good to meet you at last" she gives me a quick embrace and looks over at my other new roommate "That's Ellen my cousin, and your other roomie" she points to a pretty girl with short auburn hair editing a photo on her laptop.
"Nice to meet you girls, this is Shane my neighbour" I wave to Ellen.
Ashley's eyes lit up and she brushed her hair behind her ears "Nice to meet you Shane, what are you studying? She flirted.
"Oh, I don't go here, I'm just helping Hannah bring her belongings" he smiled politely, Shane was always so oblivious to girls flirting with him.
"That's a shame, well come in girl set your stuff down" she grabs my wrist and pulls me into our large room that has a bathroom with a shower in it.
Ashley helps me with my bags and she leads me to a double bed in the corner.
"So this is your space, I hope you don't mind but Ellen decorated it for you" She smiles.
There were butterflies and bird stickers carefully arranged around the back wall of my bed, with a beautiful framed picture of a wolf sitting by a waterfall at Twilight.
"That painting is amazing" I said starring at it with admiration.
"Thanks, I see you have good taste in art" Ellen said still looking at her laptop.
"You painted that! Wow you are so good" I applauded.
"I know right,  she held an exhibit last year and she made SO much money l, I was so jealous" Ashley said.
"Gotta pay the bills somehow, but I do my best" Ellen said humbly. Shane cleared his throat "Well I will leave you guys to it, enjoy your time her Hannah" Shane said putting my last box in the floor on my beside table "Text me if you need anything"  we share a warm embrace and he closes the door softly.
"Well, I am going to have a shower" Ashley says grabbing a towel "If you want to have one and one of us is using it, there are co-ed bathrooms down the hall" she goes into the bathroom and closes the door.  "I am going to the library, to do some research" Ellen said grabbing her laptop and her bag "Also there's a party tonight if you want to come" she smiled.
"Yeah, sure sounds good" I say smiled and she puts her headphones into her phone and walks out the door.
I could tell I was going to be very good friends with these girls, there both very welcoming and intelligent.
I finished packing my things up and I sat down on my bed, I travel light so there wasn't too much stuff to put away. I flopped onto my double bed which I am grateful that they gave it to me, even though they could've have taken it.
I close my eyes and try to  enjoy the silence for a moment while Ashley is in the shower when I am Interrupted by a loud knocking at the door.

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