Chapter 11

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I look back at Ashley and she smirked at me "Oh nothing" she said and grabbed her towels and went into the bathroom and closed the door, it seemed like I was never going to be able to shower in my own room.
Dylan got up out of bed and went up to Ellen and moved her head slightly and her snoring got quieter and he placed a kiss on her cheek.
He looked at me checking my reaction "Don't get jealous H, she was there for me when Bella cheated on me" he chuckled at the sight of my obvious jealousy "I just couldn't stand her snoring so loudly" he said stretching.
I know that she's into girl's so there's no threat there, but Bella was, they way Ashley was talking it seemed like there was some unfinished business.
He yawned loudly and I could hear Ashley singing in the shower "I'm going to go have a shower, you're welcome to join me" he kissed me on the cheek and closed the door behind him, I think he was expecting me to follow him but I didn't feel like a shower, Ashley's words were still in my head, so I decided to distract myself by getting my stuff ready for Monday and give Shane a call.
"So, hows college life treating you? Been to any parties yet? Tried some weed? He asked about a gazillion questions.
"Shane I haven't even had my first class yet, how much do you think can happen over a span of a few days" I say but then realised how dumb that sounded because a lot has happened.
"But yes I've been to one party, haven't tried weed, and did try alcohol for the first time, it's a lot different then I thought it would taste like" I said cheerfully.
"Damn girl, your not a teenage anymore" Shane said "Hey next time there's a party and I'm not working at your mum's diner, you should invite me" Shane chirped.
"Yeah definitely, you can be my plus one" I say pacing back and forth in my room.
"Hey, is everything okay Hannah? I can tell something's bothering you" Damn best friend intuition.
You mean the fact that Ethan's here, or that I'm already infatuated with a guy I just met?
"Yeah, I'm just taking everything In" I lie, I was well prepared for college but not for this.
"Okay well, I have to go! your mum hates tardiness, even from me" he laughed and I laughed lightly.
"Okay, I'll talk to you later Shane" I hung up the phone and put in on my beside table.
The rest of the afternoon I stayed in my room and had a nice nap, I wanted to avoid Dylan or more importantly his ex girlfriend Bella, I was not keen to meet her at all, in fact if possible I'm hoping to avoid her all year.
I eventually wake up from my nap to see that I have a message from Dylan.

*Missed you in the showers, your body wash is my new favourite scent* he texted and I responded *Didn't feel like one, plus didn't want bump into your ex* I texted back and waited for his response.
*Don't worry about her, I won't let her hurt you I promise* he texted back and it wasn't being hurt by her that I was worried about, I mean as comforting as his words were he can't keep an eye on Bella at all times, specially when he is with me.

I left my phone in my room and decided to go for a walk around campus to get my barring's so I wouldn't be lost on the first day, and while I was walking I noticed Mason, who was with one of Olivia's friends from the party, they were arguing with each other about something and I didn't want Mason to see me so I kept walking and bumped into someone and fell to the ground.
I looked up at it was Ethans friend Toby from
High school, he helped me and I brushed off the leaves and dirt of my hands "Toby, it's been a while" I say politely, I know should be mad at him because he knew about the affair, but he didn't do anything wrong so I'm choosing to be civil.
"Hey Hannah, your just the person I was looking for" he said a bit to enthusiastically which made me worried "Why...." I questioned.
"Ethan told me if he saw you that he has been looking for you" he said.
"Why would Ethan be looking for me? I ask "Id say he wants his man hood back I can't help him with that" I cross my arms and Toby tried not to laugh "That's what he said, that if I saw you to pass on the message" he shrugged.
I roll my eyes because I know I'm going to regret this, I should have brought my phone "Where is his room" I ask and he pointed to the frat house where Dylan was staying, of course!
"It's room 86, you can't miss it" he said and then walked off, I know where that is it's three rooms down from Dylan's, his is number 83.

Abandon all hope yee who enter here!

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