Chapter 34

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Hey if your still reading, thank you very much I hope your enjoying the story, I'm pretty proud of It and I have an exiting announcement to make soon :) much love to my readers xxoo


Dylan's POV
The house starts to fill with people I couldn't probably even tell you who they are during the day, but they all happily go threw my liquor bottles and dance around the frat house like there staying in a hotel, I wonder if Hannah is going to turn up? I hope she does otherwise this party will be boring as bat shit.
I invited her roommates so surely they convinced her to come, I beat you they told Hannah that it was me who pretended that her room needed to be sprayed for bugs, It wasn't my proudest moment I'll admit but, it got her to stay the night with me.
I knew she would stay at the hotel, I even made sure she would get room next to mine, didn't want her staying next door to some creep who may take advantage of her.
I look threw the crowds of people to see if she's arrived but she hasn't, and annoying texts from Bella keep buzzing threw my phone, I can't think about her not right now anyway, that girl is the last person on my mind, specially what she did to me, and how she's making me stay away from Hannah, like we're not even dating and she's still controlling me.
Finally I spot her roommates but Hannah is no where to be seen behind them, so I push past groups of people, I get a few high fives on the way to the front door.
I hope Hannah does come, I threw on this nice outfit for her, I'm wearing a long sleeve loose shirt white, and black jeans with ripped knees, and I found a body mist that smells like lavender.
"Ellen, Ashley" I greet them and they face me and there surprised that I am speaking to them.
"She's not here" Ashley answers my next question, how did she know I was going to ask that.
"What ever" I shrug it off and I head back into the party and I go grab a drink from the punch bowl.
Why isn't she here? I mean Bella isn't so she hasn't got to worry about a smack down between the two of them, what is wrong with me? I am having a party and I can't stop thinking about one girl, what is it about her? I hope she liked that I got her mum a present, I felt guilty when I heard he say in her dorm to her roommates that she was saving up for it but she spent the money on a night with me.
So as soon as I heard that I went to one of my dad's mates who owns a photography shop and asked if he could make up an urgent special order, price was no problem I had to get it there this afternoon so her birthday wouldn't be spoiled tomorrow.
I went through one of Hannah's social media accounts and found that photo of her and her mum when she found out she got in, so I wanted to make it special for her mum and then as soon as the photographer was done, I rushed to her mum's place.
I only found the place because I asked around town, and also saw on Hannah's social media where her and her mum to hang out.
I have never gone to an extreme like this for girl in my whole life, I'm not counting the tattoo I got for Bella on my back, because she kinda forced me to get it and I always wanted a tattoo so.
I can't think over this loud music, Beauty and Beat was playing through the awesome speakers I have, I'm surprised they haven't done karaoke yet, I guess people aren't that drunk, I suppose the party has just started, at least people are enjoying themselves. Mason has gone to make out with Ashley even though I know what's going on with him and that girl, I can't believe him, and Scott well he's probably found a hot girl by now.
I'm glad Bella has gone to see her parents for a whole week, that means I can spend at least five more days with Hannah, before she comes back and ruins everything.
I feel someone put the arms on my shoulders and a cute girl offers me a drink, I give her a smile and she walks away trying to lead me to the bedroom, but I'm not interested maybe last year before I met Bella, but I only want to be alone with one girl right now.
Then Scott comes up to me "Hey man, good to see you drinking" Scott nudges me with his shoulder and looks around at all the ladies in the room "It's a party isn't it" I down my drink and it takes like vodka mixed with strawberries.
"Okay what's up man, Bella's out of town why are you so miserable? he asked.
"I don't know, feels like something is missing you know" I say to him not expecting him to understand.
"Yeah, your missing a hottie you should be with right, sticking your tongue down her throat" I roll my eyes, friends why do you have them when they don't even know the real you?
I down another drink that Scott passes to me, but then I leave in huff, I have to find Hannah I can't pretend I'm having a good time, and just as I leave the house Bella starts calling me again.
"Fuck me sideways, of course she is calling" I groan and I reject the call, I call her later, and I grab a bottle of vodka that someone has left on a ledge.
I walk through the campus and a couple of people heading towards the party are looking at me like I'm going in the wrong direction, there's only one direction I need to go tonight and that's to Hannah's room, hopefully that dickhead Ethan isn't there trying to pretend he's not still into her, I roll my eyes at the thought of that pathetic guy. Why did she ever date him, he needs to pull his balls out his vagina and stop flirting with her, specially since he has a girlfriend which I for one have never seen them together, apart from when they were in the showers and I was saving Hannah from him.
i get down the hallway and for a second I forget what her room number is, 48 that's right I think that's about how many times Bella has called me tonight.
I pull my phone out my phone and text her say "Look I'm fine, I'm not doing anything irresponsible, just enjoy being with your parents" I sent her and hopefully that will be the end of it.
I tap on her door and there's no answer, maybe she's gone to bed, I mean she is going to see her mum tomorrow but at what five o clock in the morning? it's only eight thirty and she's already asleep.

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