Chapter 9

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He grabbed my wrist and he locks up his room, and we head down stairs and leave the frat house, he leads us back to the co-ed bathrooms but instead of going into his private shower we went into the room with the hot tub.
He took his shirt off and I don't even try to look away anymore, his gorgeous physic is breathtaking and my legs turn to jelly, he takes his jeans off until he is wearing nothing but his boxers, he chuckled lightly as I stand there nervously "Aren't you going to come in" he invites and turns the bubbles on.
His eyes move to me body as I take off my clothes and I'm in my underwear, I place them neatly next to his clothes, and I get In slowly enjoying that first moment when the hot water touches your skin, I sit down and get myself comfortable and he climbs in beside me.
"Stop being so nervous Hannah? I'm not going to hurt you" he smiled and splashed water in my face, I pout at him and splash him back.
"You realise of course this means war" he smirks and I get up on my feet to avoid his splashes and he gets me a couple of times, and I manage to get him on the face and he chuckled, I climb onto his lap and splash him repeatedly he squirms as I have gained the upper hand "That's not fair, you cheated by distracting me" he grinned at me and put his hands on my waist and I bit my lip.
"And you are quite a distraction, Miss Goodman" he grins even wider and I let out a giggle.
He lets out a heavy sigh and then places his arms behind him "Look, I know this is probably confusing for you," he changed the mood very quickly "I just left a shitty relationship, so I don't want you to think I'm just using you to get over her, or make her jealous" he admits and I appreciate his honesty, it has been playing on my mind about  ur what we are.
He looks me in the eye "But I do know, that I like spending time with you... like a lot" he smiled at me.
I don't say anything, I just stroke his face and he closed his eyes, enjoying each movement as I traced his jaw line and smiled like an idiot while I was doing it, adoring him as he was the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on, everything about him made me want to get close to him, to be his friend, to be everything everything he wanted have in a girlfriend, and for this moment to go on forever.
He opened his eyes and I felt like I was staring into his soul and he into mine, but our moment was interrupted again by his phone vibrating on the concrete floor, it was probably Bella, I was half expecting him to jump up and go answer me it but he let it go to voicemail, and his eyes never left mine.
"Do you know how Beautiful you are Hannah Goodman" he smiles at me and I look away because I didn't feel Beautiful, but he brought my chin back up and kissed me on the forehead "Don't you ever let that prick make you feel ugly again, if he does he'll have to deal with me" he said with sincerity in his eyes.
"As for the cheating, I understand that all too well, that's why I left Bella" he sighed in anger.
"Three fucking times, the first time I forgave her, the other two times were my own fault for trusting her again" he looked down.
"I'm sorry that she cheated on you" I say and he gives me a half smile.
He then lifted me up off him and go out of the hot Tub to dry himself, which I loved watching him do, the way the towel clutches his skin and collects the water of him, I get out as well and dry myself of too and he checks his phone before putting his clothes on "I should probably go, Bella will find me eventually...she always does" he sighed and put his phone in his pocket "I'll see you later" he leaves abruptly.
I dawdle back to my dorm room, there's no hurry to get back, Ashley and Ellen are probably still at the party and Bella has probably sent out a search party for Dylan.
I try and get some sleep and I am awoken by the sound of the door opening, to avoid the thousands of questions they probably have I pretend to be asleep and Ashley and Ellen walk in walk in with their best version's of staying "Quiet" my ears perked up as I heard them whispering about me "She went off somewhere with Dylan" Ellen said and Ashley giggled "Those two are so cute" they both giggled.
I finally get some sleep an hour later but am awoken from my slumber again by light tapping on the door.

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