Chapter 3

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I place my new outfit on the bench out of the way so it doesn't get drenched with water and I have to walk back in a towel, and I hang my two towels on the hooks, I remove my robe and he turns around and stares me at, I cover my breasts and stomach in embarrassment, I wasn't exactly a skinny girl, I was curvy but in a good way at least I thought so, I am very comfortable in my own body but showing it to others was completely different.
His eyes find mine "You don't have to be embarrassed you know, hasn't anyone ever told you that you have a stunning figure" he said with hunger in his eyes.
"I guess not" I blushed slightly.
"Well, don't be shy, I'm not going to bite" he gestures me to come in "Unless you want me too" he does the sexiest half smile I have ever seen.
He turns the tap on and hot water gushed out of the four shower heads, one in each corner.
I went over to the left side of the shower while he stood in the right, he wasn't joking about the hot water, it felt amazing against my skin.
I reached for the soap and his hand met mine, his hand was so soft then I remember from before.
He hands it to me "Thanks" I say and I can hear him using shampoo in his hair, running it through his hair, while I wash my body not missing a spot and try not to think about that I'm sharing a shower with a boy, what would my mum say!
I turn around to put the soap back and that's when I realise that he's NAKED omg!I turned around quickly.
I noticed that he had a tattoo on his upper back towards the right, it was a mermaid sitting on a rock holding her hair.
Pretending I didn't see anything, but I hear him chuckle so he knows that I saw his bare bottom, and omg it was cute as button.
He definitely wasn't shy at all that's for certain, I grab my shampoo and it smells amazing, it was peach and mango and I run it through my hair.
Dylan was quite for a while, I have to admit it was nice not having to hold a conversation while you had shampoo in your eye!
But he finally broke the silence after I got the last of the shampoo out of my hair "Hey could you do me a favour, do you have any body wash" he turns around with my back to him.
"I forgot mine" he added In embarrassment.
"Yeah, I have some In my bag" I climb out of the shower trying not to slip on the floor.
His eyes were on me as I climbed back into the shower still wearing my bra and undies.
"Could you do my back for me" he turns around and waits for me to say something.
"Sure" I squeeze the bottle into my hand and it smells like lavender, I hope he doesn't mind he smell but it's my favourite scent so it was all I had, I don't normally pack for a shared shower.
I messaged it onto his back, admiring his flawless skin, he definitely takes care of himself.
I could feel him relaxing with every touch and enjoying each stroke "That smells nice " he says through the water, I got to his shoulder and he flinched which caught me off guard.
"I'm sorry" I apologise "Are my hands too Cold?
"Their beautiful and soft" he says softly "I'm just ticklish In that area" he added.
"You shouldn't have told me that" I got the feeling that he was lying about that but he didn't want to ruin the mood.
I finish on his back and he turns around "You haven't done my lower back" he smirks.
I had to keep my dirty thoughts to myself as my hands go lower to his unbelievably cute ass, I move my hands lower and he let out a small moan, I let my hands wander a bit and I started washing his hips, which he seemed to enjoy, I was on autopilot at this moment.
"All done" I say washing the last bit of soap of my hands through his arms.
I can't believe I just washed a guy in a shower, why did I enjoy it so much, and why am I still starting at his ass!
"Thanks" he says as he stands under the hot water again.
I took the bottle of the ground and starting washing my own body, i started with my neck and my face first, it feel so good to clean after a long ride In the car with Shane.
I could hear Dylan moving closer towards me as he takes the bottle out of my hand and pours some of the body wash into his.

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