Chapter 2

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I open the door to stop the pounding sound in my head and gorgeous man enters the room holding lingerie knickers like a dirty nappy.
"Hey Ashley you left your panties back at Mason's, did you want these back" he turns around and notices that I'm not Ashley.
"Oh, I'm sorry I though you were Ashley" he said intrigued, looking up and down at me, he obviously comes here a lot "Who are you? He asked.
"I'm Hannah, Ashley's new roommate" he shook my hand and stroked it for a few seconds.
He is a very tall attractive bloke, he has wavy brown hairs with light green eyes, he looked a lot like a famous twin who's name I can't remember.
"Um, why are you holding Ashley's underwear" I said to break the silence because he kept staring at me, almost studying me.
"Like I said, she left them at Mason's, I thought she might want them back" he said looking uneasy "They look expensive" he added.
"Well I'll be sure to give them to her, once she gets out of the shower" I said taking them from his hand.
"Hannah honey could you pass me my other towel....Dylan? What are doing in here" she looked surprised to see him in here and she lifts her towel up to cover herself more.
"Scott said you left these in Mason's room, I wanted to give them back to you" I handed her the underwear and she looked embarrassed.
"Don't worry, it was equally embarrassing for me to be carrying them across the campus" he laughed lightly "Not to mention through the frat house" he added.
So he's a frat boy "Oh yeah, I must have left them from the other night" her eyes flickered like that wasn't the whole truth, it almost looked like she had never seen them before.
She grabbed the other towel and then went back into the bathroom.
"Well, I'll catch you later Hannah" he says softly, he left the room leaving the smell of his cologne in the room.
I realised that Ashley was obviously going to be a while, so I decided to have a shower down the hall instead of waiting for her to finish.
I grab my toiletries and my towels, also with butterflies on them and yell to Ashley "I'm just having a shower down the hall" I grab my keys which have my name of them.
"Okay, see you later girl" she yells through the door.
I head down the long hallway passing many students trying to settle into their dorms as well when I finally reach the bathrooms.
It's already occupied by many students all wanting a shower , I'd hoped there would be a shower available but they were all taken, Shane's car has a horrible aircon and I needed to feel clean.
I walked down the Aisle and there was one shower that had freed up, but I could see someone heading towards it rapidly and they looked strangely familiar.
Oh god it was my ex boyfriend Ethan Stone, his name was fitting considering the heart he had. "Of course it had to be him" I said panicking, hoping he didn't recognise me, I mean it has been a while. FUCK FUCK FUCK!
"What the hell is he doing here" I complained to myself softly as he was approaching me.
I then felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me into one of the stalls, it was Dylan with a towel barely covering his package, he had the six pack of a god, I mean you could grate cheese on them abs.
Focus Hannah! I had to stop myself from staring, he chuckled lightly and checked behind the curtain "It's okay, who ever you were hiding from has gone into one of the stalls" he tried to hid a smile.
"Thanks for the rescue, I really didn't want an awkward conversation in the bathrooms" I sighed with relief "Let me guess, ex boyfriend? He asked Intrigued.
"Was it that obvious" I chucked lightly trying to hold my towels up and not stare at his abs.
"The look of terror on your face said it all" he grinned "Plus I could hear you panicking" he chuckled.
"Well thanks for the save, but one of the cubicles should be free now" I said sheepishly.
"You can share with me if you want, this shower has the best hot water" he said with a cheeky smile on his face.
"No thanks"I say politely "Do you really want to bump into your ex again? He asked moving closer to me "Trust me he won't bother us in here" he was right I didn't want to bump into Ethan.
"Plus this is an extra large shower, so there's plenty of room for the both of us" he offered again "And I'd hate to waste water" he says seductively.
I roll my eyes and poke my head out the curtain "It doesn't look like I'm going to get a shower today so, I suppose" I say nervously.
Ethan was still out there, not even using the shower! He was just flirting with some girl!
I would go out there and say something but that would mean talking to him.

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