Chapter 16

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Dylan bursts through the door and I hold my towel over my self and hold my ground "Dylan get the fuck out of here" I say and hear the water in the shower being wasted.
"Not until you explain why you have been ignoring me this whole time! It was fucking killing me not having you stare at me the way you usually do!"he said looking at me with anger in his eyes.
"And then you were a bitch to me in sign language class, so tell me and I will leave" his fist balled in anger.
I sighed walked backwards away from him "You know why" I grunted and he kept walking towards me "Don't insult my intelligence, if I knew I wouldn't be asking" he said trying to remain calm.
"I heard what you said about me with Scott" I sighed and decided I might as well tell him "I heard you laughing about me, so just fuck off and don't come back" I looked away from him and I wanted to get back in the shower.
"That's not what it sounded like Hannah..I'm not very good at talking to my boys about things, I didn't want them to know how much I'm into you" he admitted "If they knew, guess who'd they go run and tell" he closed the lid and sat down on the toilet and tugged at his hair.
"Then why are you friends with them? I questioned, not believing him because it sounded made up, like some one does when the get caught.
"They wouldn't on purpose I know that, but when they get drunk they don't know how to shut up"
"So you just said that, to shut them up about us so they wouldn't blab to Bella? I asked.
"Yes of course" he said softly I didn't feel like he was lying so I sighed and I turned the shower off, "Okay I believe you" I sighed and I didn't have the energy to be mad at him anymore, I just wanted to have a shower already!
"But you saw Bella after Scott was there" I said and he got up of the toilet and looked me in the eye "Yeah, to tell her to fuck off for good" he said and he looked at me like a sad puppy dog.
"Hannah, don't ever do that to me again" he moved closer and his eyes never left mine "Do you know how difficult these last three weeks were" he said and he removed the towel of me exposing my naked body.
"Fuck me sideways, you even more gorgeous" he couldn't finish his sentence and he adjusted his pants.
I covered my breasts and moved my arms away "Don't fucking do that" he said holding my wrists In place and then pressing his lips to mine, he turned the shower on and I climbed into the shower and let the hot water finally hit my body, I could hear him getting undressed, his pants falling to the floor and he opened the curtains and climbed in with me, his lips rejoining mine, he hands gripping my back and pulling me In as close as he could, he turned me around and washed me with soap, massaging it on my body and groping me at the same time "You keep morning like that, and I will take you from behind" I loved hearing his dirty words and it turned me on so much.
I turned around and washed him with my lavender scent, marking my territory on him.
I moved my hands to his shoulders and he flinched again "I'm sorry" I say and he grabs my hands and puts them back on his shoulders.
"I'm sorry too" he said and looks washing the rest of the soap of himself "Why do you flinch every time I touch your shoulders? I asked him.
"Bella strangled me once, haven't entirely gotten over it yet" he looked back at me.
I stroked his face gently and he closed his eyes, I pressed my lips to his again, and I could feel his erection against me.
I put my hand on him and he threw his hand out on the wall to steady him self and he opened his eyes.
"Fuck" he moaned not even caring if anyone was listening "Hannah I'm Serious, I don't do gentle sex" he growled into my ear and nibbles on my earlobe and I moaned his name.
Which drove him wild and he rubbed his thumb over my vagina "Fuck your so wet, guess we won't need need any lube" he bent me over and kissed my back before thrust it into me.
"Oh my god" I moaned and my hands griped to the wall, and he kept up a fast pace, he felt so good.
"Fuck Hannah" he said finishing on my back and he was slightly out of breath, and I had to catch mine as well and we washed our selves off and he kept looking at me with lust in his eyes.

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