Chapter 32

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Hey so this chapter is a bit longer than my usual ones. :) xxoo


What the fuck! why would you do that"I shove  him and he steadies himself.
"I wanted to see you while Bella was out of town" he looks at me with a sad expression on his face.
"Oh so I was just your temporary slut, while your actual one was on leave? I ask him, extremely mad now wanting to actually smack him and I do right in the middle.
"You pathetic peace of shit, don't EVER COME NERE ME AGAIN" I yell at him.
And I enter my room quickly, and close the door so he can't come in and Ashley and Ellen are surprised to see me.
"Oh my god, she actually lives in this dorm" Ellen jokes and Ashley giggles slightly.
"Oh I've been here, you guys are just heavy sleepers" I say to them trying to think calming thoughts.
"Where were you last night, we were kinda worried about you" Ashley said holding on to my shoulders.
"You'll never believe it, but I was told our room was getting sprayed for bugs so I spent the night in a hotel"I explained and Ashley and Ellen are surprised.
"Who told you that? Ellen asked "Yeah that didn't happen at all" Ashley said.
"My teacher told me that, and then today, Dylan tells me he made it up" I grunt in frustration.
"What a dick head" Ellen says "Yeah that was pretty awful of him, I bet you had to stay in a hotel" Ashley said.
"Yeah, which was expensive, not too expensive but still" I sigh and start to cry.
"What's wrong honey, Dylan was just playing a stupid prank on you" she shrugged.
"I was saving that money for a birthday present for mum, I was going to take her out for lunch tomorrow and buy her a gift" I cry softly.
"Well go get the money of Dylan, it's the least he could do" Ellen said, she's right he owes me for this.
I sigh and want to storm off and demand that he gives me my 90 dollars for that night, but that would mean seeing him again.
"It's fine, lunch with mum will have to do and then I'll just explain to her that I was stupid and didn't save up for a present for her" I grunt and sit down on my bed which the girls made for me.
I grab one of my butterfly pillows and I start to have flashbacks of when Dylan was in here, he would be calling me butterfly princess, and I didn't even mind it.
Then my phone vibrates repeatedly and I look down to see that my mum is calling, great! what am I supposed to say to her, a rush of panic flows through me "Hey mum" I say trying to hold back my fear and Ashley goes into to the bathroom to have a shower.
"Hey honey, I just wanted to thank you for the early birthday present you gave me, It's so beautiful honey, it looks expensive though how much did you spend on it" she says into the speaker and I am immediately confused.
"What are you talking about mum? I ask I didn't get her anything maybe Shane got her something and she thought it was from me.
"I'm talking about this beautifully framed photo of you and I, it's a picture Shane took of the both of us when we found out you had been accepted into college" she squeals in the speaker.
"Oh right yeah, I had prepared that ages ago, that's why I forgot" I lie and chuckle int the microphone, but now I am thinking who could've possibly done for me and knew it was my mothers birthday?
"A handsome young man dropped it off this afternoon, poor dear looked exhausted" she giggled in excitement "I must have been his last delivery" she added.
I sigh .Dylan, of course it was him but how did he know that it was my mums birthday? and that I didn't get her a present?
"Did he have gorgeous green eyes, and the body of an angel?I ask in annoyance.
"Oh yes honey, he was very attractive, if I was twenty years younger" she laughs.
"Mum" I say trying to hold back a laugh "Is he a friend of yours? she asks in excitement.
"You could say that" I groan "Well that was lovely of him to drive all this way just to deliver it to me" she says with glee, I'm glad mum is happy and it means we ca enjoy lunch together tomorrow with me feeling guilty of not buying her anything.
"I'll see you tomorrow darling" mum hangs up the phone.
I throw my phone onto the bed and a million thoughts run in my head, is Dylan a mind reader he always seems to know what I'm feeling and also apparently feeling, he drove all that way to my mums house with a gift, a gift how did he have it prepared already? what lengths did he go to just to surprise my mother and how did he know where she lived?
I'm really annoyed that I missed my sign language class today because of Dylan, I've spent all afternoon in here because of him, maybe I was afraid I'd bump into him if I left the room.
With nothing left to do for the day I decide to go have a shower, I need a good stress relief, I grab a new pair of jeans and a white t shirt and bra, and head for the dreaded co-ed bathrooms, Ashley takes forever in the showers and I need one now!
I walk down the hallway and it's quiet surprisingly and I look down as walk past each dorm room, and I see that Ethan has gone into the bathrooms, fantastic!
I open the door hopping he's gone into one of the cubicles but he's waiting in line to use one and he doesn't have a shirt on anymore!
He turns to me and laughs "You could use Walter's, I'm sure he won't mind" Ethan laughs.
"That would be rude of me to go in when he isn't in there" although I have done that before.
"Yeah Ethan" Dylan pushes past both of us and heads towards his private shower, looking at me for a second and smiling just before he goes in.
"Must be nice to have a rich daddy who can give you your own shower" Ethan grunts "And for what reason, just because he paid them thousands of dollars" he added.
"That's not true, Mr Walters also helped provide funds for that beautiful garden in the centre of the campus" I defended him but it was true, I saw the plaque that they built for him next to the rose garden.
"What ever, all I know is he gets to have a shower when ever he wants, and we have to wait in line" Ethan groans again.
"Yeah, that's what you have to do" I complain but not in the way Ethan is.
"Don't you have a shower in your room? Ethan asked "Yeah but it's always occupied" or I'm just never there when it's free.
We have been waiting for a bout fifteen minuets now, what is taking them all so long! I hate having to stand here and make small talk with Ethan, pretending that I care about what he's babbling about.
Finally a cubicle is free and Ethan races to take it, good riddance means I don't have be next his sweaty ass body, that reeks of alcohol and cigarets.

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