Chapter 31

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"Why do you smell like him again!Ethan says sitting down in front of me, grumpy as always and he's wearing a red hoodie with black jeans for some reason, I sigh and pull out my notes from the last lesson.
"I just started wearing his cologne because I know he much it annoys you" I grunt and he scoffs.
"I'm surprise he's not sitting next to you, or even hear for that matter" he grunts "Doing his usual protective detail around you" he smirked.
"What are you talking about? I say almost too loudly as people's heads turn to stare at us.
Ethan gets up out of his chair and sits next to me, I scoot over one, I am not sitting next to him.
"I'm talking about how he's always around you like you a target for an assassination or something" he frowned at me in annoyance.
I giggle at his ridiculous theory "Why does it matter to you Ethan, do I need to remind you that you have a girlfriend" I whisper to him.
"Which I never see you with, and yet she's supposed to be the wonderful girl that you Cheated on me for! I say a bit louder.
"That doesn't mean...oh my god" Ethans falls into his lap as he is interrupted by whistles, Dylan walks in shirtless for some reason showing off his gorgeous abs to every girl In the theatre, fuck me sideways that man is gorgeous.
"Any particular reason why you are shirtless? Does he need a reason Mr Collins? Shut up brain!
"Yeah, I gave it to a homeless lady on the way here, she needed it more than I did" and a wave of awww's spread threw out the theatre.
"Oh please" I mutter, even if that is true of course he would use that as an excuse to be topless.
"Well take a seat Mr Walters, so class can begin" Mr Collins his eyes and so did I.
Dylan sees me sitting near Ethan and he bites his lip, taking a seat next to me, thank god Ethans on the other side of me.
Dylan spent the whole time poking my leg trying to get a reaction out of me, I tried to hide my smiles but he saw them every time, the rest of the lesson Dylan used any excuse to flex his muscle in front of me, pretending that his neck was sore or his neck was aching, and Every time he did Ethan rolled his eyes.

Finally the lesson was over and Ethan left in a huff, leaving me alone with Dylan and my pulse quickened again, how does he always make me feel like this even when I'm supposed to be mad at him.
Everyone else scurried our of the theatre a few girls taking one last look at Dylan, not that he noticed his eyes were fixed on me.
"Oh come one Hannah, don't pretend you didn't stare too" he winked at me and I shoved him playfully and we walked out of the theatre together.
"Hey do you mind if I shirt off you, I'm getting kind of cold" he rubbed his shoulders.
"I am not walking around campus in just my bra, even if it is your shirt" I scowl at him "You could try the lost and found" I say sarcastically and my way down the stairs, across the campus towards my dorm with Dylan still following behind me.
"Are we going to talk about what happened last night" why Is he talking like that was the first time we had sex?
"There's nothing to talk about, in fact I don't even remember it, I'm pretty sure it was just a bad dream" I say bluntly, not even caring if I hurt his feelings.
"Oh come on Han, you loved it, I could tell give never had drunk sex before" he smirked at me.
"You must be talking about your right hand" I snicker and keep walking down the corridor towards my room, expecting to see warning signs about the fumes that have been sprayed around, and the chemicals smell it's going to leave for a few days, but there's nothing the corridor looks exactly the same as when I left it. What is going on?
"Hannah, I did it" he says in the hallway and I stop and turn around "What do you mean? I ask him and he sighed "I told the University that there was a bug infestation in your room"he admitted and I couldn't tell if he was joking or not but I looked at his expression and there was no sign of joke there, he scratched the back of his head and my body feels numb and I want punch something preferably his head.

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