Chapter 37

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Hannah's POV
As I go up and down on him I can feel him enjoy every movement, wanting the next one more and more "Hannah" he moans looking at me when his eyes open only just to close in pleasure "Dylan...oh my god Dylan" I grunt in frustration and anger for this beautiful man I am having hot, angry and frustrating sex with.
He is so beautiful, his eyes, his face, they way he pushes his hair back, they way he moans my name, just everything about him.
He pulls out at the last minuet finishing on my right leg, and I collapse on top of him and we just lay there in silence and I think about how this should never happen again, as much as I do like spending time with him and how hard it will be to let him go I have too, I can't float in an ocean that's already been drained.
I didn't want want to tell him tonight because I didn't want to ruin the moment, he may be okay with our secret love affair but I'm not, I won't be able to stand not being able to be in public with him, not being able to kiss him, hold his hand, love him in public, having to worry about Bella catching us, my mother ever meeting him, or my sister Claire being able to tell him not to break my heart, and my dad giving an hour long lecture on how he needs to treat me right.
After tonight, I'm not going to see him anymore, I can't it hurts too much, I don't think he will understand but it's what I have to do, but for now I am just going to enjoy lying here with him, holding him in my arms feeling his soft skin, his warm touch and slowly beating heart in ears. I woke up and rolled over from Dylan's grip around my waist, I sit up and take a deep breath, and I get ready to go and see my mother for her birthday.
I'm really excited I haven't seen my mum in awhile, it will be nice to have someone to talk about my college experience so far, my classes, my experiences, my heart break, but that's what mum's are for, just before i leave I write Dylan a note, as I notice that Ellen and Ashley haven't come back yet, they must have passed out back at Dylan's frat house.
I pack my little bag and close the door quietly just so he doesn't hear me, if he chases me, I know I'll run right back to him, so I just keep walking down the corridor keeping a fast pace, I hope my teachers don't mind that I'm missing today,  but it's my mothers birthday and I wouldn't miss it for the world.
I meet mum at a local diner near the university, I can't believe she drove all this way to see me, I should be the one driving the far distance to see her, but that's my mum she's always thinking of others, I reckon that's where Claire got it from cause she certainly didn't get it from Monica.
I cross the road and enter the dinner, and a nice waitress greets me, I realise I'm a little early but she shows me to our table and it's a lovely spot right next to the display cases with all the lovely cupcakes and muffins on view.
I check my phone expecting a text or a call from Dylan, but minuets go by and nothing, maybe he's not awake or maybe he's actually read the note properly and respected my wish, I will have to think about that later as I see a much older version of my self enter the diner, it's my beautiful mum.
She seems me and has a huge smile on her face and an even bigger hug for me when she reaches the table, she sits next to me and puts her bag down.
We talk for many hours, reminiscing about previous birthday's and happier times when we were still a family, she kept telling me how proud she is, and that I should date Dylan, I didn't tell her our situation because I doubt she would've have change her mind even if I told her, she kept saying how she had a feeling about since he showed up at her door.
But he is just a heart break waiting to happen, and if he's not going to be honest with me about why we can't be friends with out all the sneaking around, then I want nothing to do with him anymore, I have plenty of time in college to meet lots of new friends, and new boys with any crazy ex girlfriends.
I hug my mum goodbye and she pays for lunch even though I offered, and I walk back to the university slowly, taking my time, enjoying the lovely afternoon weather.

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