Chapter 26

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Dylan got up but Immediately sat back down when he realised I hadn't moved yet, I was waiting for Ethan to leave but he didn't budge either, great!
So I stood up and Ethan rose at the same time as me and Dylan was out of his seat in seconds, Ethan turned me around again "Don't want to hear it Ethan" I cut him off and Dylan came up behind me and put his arms around waist "Wait, so you guys are actually going out? Ethan scoffed.
I waited for Dylan to say something, I didn't want to say something and embarrass myself and say something we weren't "Something like
that" Dylan said.
Ethan looked heart broken but what did I care? Dylan dragged me out of there before we could continue talking, he dragged me into the janitors closet and started kissing me furiously "I want to leave me scent on you" which I got finally because now we both had the smell of my perfume on, he moaned heavily wanting me so badly, I could tell from the way he was looking at me in class that he was already turned on "This isn't very romantic" I giggled slightly "I know, I wasn't actually going to fuck you in here, I just wanted to make sure you still wanted to fuck me" he ran his fingers through his hair.
"Why wouldn't I, specially when you do that" I said hypnotised by him and he chuckled "Alright I've had my fun" he pulled me out of the janitors closet and whispered thank you as we were walking "I wanted him to see us go in there" he answered my question.

We spent the rest of the day together and he spent it glued to my side like we were boyfriend and girlfriend, as we left our sign language class Dylan was in a very cheerful mood, "You were so cute when you were doing the rock n roll hand signs when that led Zeppelin song played" I giggled and he blushed "Yeah" he said sheepishly and he looked embarrassed either that I saw him rocking out or that I thought he was being cute.
"Hey listen, thanks for not saying we were boyfriend and girlfriend, I hate it when girls slap tittles on you" he said his tone changed quickly, which changed my mood, I mean he was acting like my boyfriend all day "I have to go, my dad is calling me" he said leaving in a hurry even though I heard no ringing or vibrations coming from his phone.

He just left me standing in the rose garden area, looking like I was just dumped, embarrassed and upset I kept walking and headed towards the cafeteria, and I noticed a familiar face in line at the coffee shop, it was Shane!
"Shane!" I called out and he turned around "Hannah! It's so good to see you" he gave me a bear hug and then put me down "I had the day off, so I was wondering if you wanted to have some afternoon tea with me" he smiled and I nodded I was starving, and I need a good distraction, although it wasn't working I couldn't stop thinking about Dylan, again!
Every time we get closer he pulls away, or walks away, why is he afraid to get close to me? I know he just split up with Bella, but I'd like to think he's enjoying his time with me.
"Hannah! Shane keeps repeating and I snap out of my daze, I try and order something and the waitress looks at me annoyed because I'm taking too long, and there are people behind me tapping their feet, she keeps staring at me and I feel arms go around me, "Shane what are you doing" I turn around and it's Dylan, he paid for a muffin and I could feel his breath on the back of my neck, he opens his mouth and eats his muffin loudly and smiles at me.
"Hey Hannah" he said nonchalantly, ignoring Shane's greeting "Hi" I mange.
"I'm Shane, nice to meet you, you must be Hannah's new friend" he extends his arm but Dylan doesn't shake it "Good for you" Dylan said rudely and walks away.
"What what his problem? Shane asked pulling his hand back.
"I...I don't know" I stutter, we finally order something and sit at the tables nearby, and I try and maintain a conversation with Shane, he tells me about work and what's been happening with him, he even told me that he visits Claire every know and then which warmed my heart to hear, but I wasn't very good company and only replied with "Oh yeah, and no way, or that's great" I pretended to smile each time he looked worried about me, and after we finished our meals we said our goodbyes, and I head back to my dorm.

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