Chapter 13

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I head back to my dorm because Dylan could return with Bella at any moment and I don't want to die before my first day of college, I close the door and I spot Olivia heading into Ethans room so I head out the opposite way, I couldn't help but notice her annoying laugh.
I eventually get back to my dorm enjoying the sunlight as it goes down for the day, and Ellen was finally awake drinking some green tea, probably to help with her massive hang over.
"Hey girl, where have you been? She asked taking a sip of her tea.
"I just went for a walk around campus" I say and sit on my bed and check the time on my phone.
"Well Ashley has told me everything, what's going on with you and Dylan? She giggled.
"To be honest, I don't have an answer for you" it's true, I didn't know what we were or what was going to happen between us.
"Well don't listen to what Ash said, she's probably just jealous" Ellen shrugged "Have fun with him, it's college after all, your supposed to make many mistakes" her pep talk didn't help either, i need it figure this out on my own.
I tried to do my best and not think about Dylan for the rest of the day, but I failed miserably, if I was going to be graded for this I would get an F minus, I couldn't stop thinking about him, and how fun we have together, well before it gets serious and he bails out usual, I also couldn't stop thinking about that girl I saw with Mason, should I tell Ellen about what I saw? And why did Dylan have drinks with a Bella, I mean she spends the whole day avoiding her but as soon as I'm out of the picture he runs back to her!
Maybe Ashley is right, maybe I shouldn't get too attached to him, I mean I'm going to be here for a while and it's college and people don't just experiment with their sexuality, they also experiment with partners don't they? Maybe I was slightly over thinking the part about Dylan possibly being my boyfriend.

I decided I need to talk to someone wise, my younger sister Claire, I was so exited to hear from her, I promised her I would Skype her once a week, not matter how busy I was.
I sat down at my desk and pulled my laptop out of the draw and signed into my account.
I clicked on her profile and it's a picture of her and I just before she found out her news about her tumour.
I dialler her and she answered straight away "Hey Claire Bear" I said waving at the camera.
"Hey sis, I have missed you so much, Monica is so boring to be around" we both laughed.
"I feel so bad for Shane having to work for her" I say still laughing "I know right, he looks cute in the uniform though" she giggled.
"Yeah, the boys uniform is much better than the ladies, I swear she did that on purpose" I rolled my eyes at the idea of mum to wanting to have all the hot waiters dress a lot better than the ladies.
"So have you settled in alright, you must be exited about your classes tomorrow" she beamed, she sounds just like Shane "Break any hearts yet?
I laughed unsure of how to answer that "Yeah, I have made some new friends, my roommates are awesome" I answered eventually.
"That painting behind you is gorgeous, I can't stop staring at it" she clapped her hands in excitement "That University has taste" she said in awe.
"Oh my roommate painted that actually" I told her and she gasped "No way! That's amazing! That's what I loved about my sister she always saw the beauty in everything, she was such a beautiful soul.
"Hey sis, who's the handsome guy behind you? She smiled and I looked in the reflection of the camera and to find Dylan smiling at me and I gasped "I'm sorry sis, I have to go" and I close the lid of my laptop and push my chair back and turned around and Dylan was siting on my bed.
"How long have you been there? I asked, surprised at how he was able to come into the room without me noticing.
"A while, your cute when your concentrating" he chuckled "I loved how happy you were when you were talking to your sister" he smiled and I couldn't help but blush a little.
It's true my sister was everything to me, she and I were always close when we were younger, I taught her how to put make up on, what types of boys to avoid.
"She's sick isn't she" his eyebrows dropped in sadness and the mood changed, I nodded and I wanted to explain but I had a feeling he knew I didn't want to talk about it right now.
"I'm so sorry Hannah, I lost my younger brother to cancer, fucking cancer" he looked away and his eyes began to water.
I sat on the bed next to him and we say anything I just wrapped my arms around him and he pulled me in closer, nothing needed to be said we just let our embrace show our emotions.

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