Chapter 27

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Three weeks go by and I haven't heard a single word from Dylan, he's just disappeared from life within a blink of a eye, I don't know why and because he never gave me an explanation, he just stopped texting me and he didn't even look me in the eye anymore some days I pray that he's going to turn around and just look at me once but he never does , he always sits as far a way from me as possible in, and at the end of sign language class he bolts out the door as soon as Mrs Green is finished speaking.
But the worst part of it all is that he's hanging out with Bella again, I've even heard rumours that there back together and that's she's moved into his room, but despite all that apart of me hopes our paths will cross again.

I head to my last class of the day and Dylan is outside the classroom leaning against the wall, I hoped for a second that he was alone but Bella was attached to him at the hip, stupid bitch! Our eyes connect for a second before I look away so Bella doesn't catch our exchange, and rush into class and sit in my usual spot.
I wait for him to eventually come into class but but he never does, I look outside and he's not leaning on the wall anymore and Bella is no where to be seen, the class was full inside but yet felt so empty without him there, I did my best to pay attention in class but once again Dylan has invaded my thoughts again.

Class finally ended and I headed towards the door when Mrs Green stopped me in my tracks, probably to talk to me about my lack of Involvement lately "Hannah, the Dean just called me to tell you that your room is being sprayed for pests, and will be unavailable for twenty four hours" great so I have to find somewhere to stay for the night.
"Thank you Mrs Green" I sigh and put my books In my bag and head to the parking lot.
Good thing I had all my books with me so it wouldn't Interrupt my studying , but now I had to find somewhere to stay for the night and annoyingly the only place I could think of was the hotel Dylan took me too, the one owned by his dad. I rolled my eyes and remembered the directions to the hotel and parked my car in the guest parking area, I left my stuff in my car and just took a small little brown bag with me with my essentials, I head into the familiar lobby and the same receptionist greets me as I come in.
"Hi there, welcome to Walters Apartments how can I help you? She asked with a smile.
"Yes I would like a room for one night" I get my wallet out and she types something into the computer.
"One night, that will be ninety dollars" she said.
I looked behind her and the poster said that one night is a hundred and fifteen dollars.
"Are you sure because the sign behind you says" before I finish she cuts me off politely "Mr Walters was quiet insistent on you having a discount if you ever stayed here again" she smiled at me.
"Okay cool" I say handing her the money and she hand me the room key for number 58, I think nothing of it when I get in the elevator and hit the button for number 3, and that's when I realised that my room is right next to Dylan's.
I roll my eyes because of course that would happen, I was angry and frustrated but at least I knew he wouldn't be staying her tonight, he doesn't need to escape from Bella anymore.
Ugh Bella! Just thinking about her puts me in a bad mood, I bet she had something to do with this, maybe some lame prank she pulled on me and Dylan helped her, that would explain why he wasn't In Mrs's Greens class today.
I can't really be mad at him even though I want to be, for getting back together with her, I mean my roommates did try and warn me about him, and it is College, I have plenty of time to meet new people, I've got to stop acting like it's the end of the world because I'm not with Dylan anymore, I turn my keys and enter my room tonight, and hopefully I'll never have to come back here again, I'm just glad Mrs Green told me before I got back to my dorm and being told I can't go in there for the night and see Bella laughing her ass off at me and my roommates.

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