Chapter 41

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And everyone is staring at us now, he grabs my wrist and I let him drag me upstairs and we get in the hall just in front of his room, and he has me up against the door.
"Dylan don't" he cuts me off and he pushes me into the room his lips crash onto mine and he puts his arms around my back and leads me onto the bed and he closed the door behind him, I get up to try leave and grabs me by the shoulder "Please don't leave, I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry, I know I am a complete asshole" he starts crying and so do i, and I put my lips on his and my hands got straight onto his neck and he doesn't push me away he pulls me into him aggressively like he never wants to let me go, I pull away from him "What about Bella" I cry.
"I don't give a shit about her, I don't even fucking care if she comes in here anymore" he admits being so vulnerable and emotional "I fucking missed you so much, I haven't slept properly in weeks, I was only here with Bella because I thought you would've have gotten over me by now.. I thought you were with Shane" he hands his head down.
"Dylan I" He puts his hand over mine "I love you too" he says and he just wraps his arms around me "When you sang that song, I knew it was for me and I couldn't pretend that I didn't need you, want you, miss you anymore I'm a fucking idiot" he ran his hands through his hair again.
He was saying everything I wanted to hear and I couldn't stop crying and he grabbed every tear and just looked me in the eyes, he moved in slowly and we kissed not the same we used, this time it was different, it was passionate, it was love I felt from him.
I started unbuttoning his shirt and he pulled away from me "Are you sure," he looks me in the eye and I just nod, and he hands rush to take my dress off and he throws my jacket on the ground "Fuck I have missed you" he lets go of me for a second and puts a dresser in front of the door, and then he grabs a condom.
Then he comes straight to me and he guides me onto the bed "Please let me fuck you again" he says "Please I can't live without your touch anymore" he pleads with me "be mine, please be mine" he adds.
He stops for a second "I mean it, please be my girlfriend" he pleads.
I just nod and a tear comes from his eyes and he spreads my legs and he enters me slowly and he goes in and out gently and he never takes his eyes off me.
"Fuck I've missed you princess" he says in between a moan.
"You keep saying that" I smile at him "I don't think I've said it enough" he moans.
"Im so sorry" he says and he stops, he doesn't bother about coming he puts my legs down and get's on the bed and he just holds me in his arms.
"Why'd you stop" I ask even though after everything we've been through I craved him and "I want to fuck you so badly but, I need you more" he said in my ear and it sent shivers down my spine.
"I've missed you so much" he grabs onto my breasts and he starts dry humping me, and I giggle slightly "Please don't leave me again" I say softy " I won't. I promise" he sais and then he enters me from behind and I moan, he feels so good, I know he was trying to be romantic by stopping and just cuddling me but i needed him inside me.
"Hannah, I fucking love you so much" he comes into me "put your clothes on before some one comes in here and see's us" he picks up my clothes hands them to me smiling at me, and he lifts his shirt over his head and puts his jeans on.
"I have a place we can go where we will be alone" I grab his hand and he interlocks his fingers with mine.
We leave the room and head down the hall and were almost at the steps "Dylan, where the fuck are you going" Bella screams from down the hall way.
I turn around, Bella is no longer unconscious and she is furious, she storms towards us.
And she looks at me and Dylan stands between the two of us "Is this her, is this that stupid bitch that you've been moping around for months for? Bella looks at me and if looks could kill. "This is the girl, you told me she didn't mean anything to you" her words hurt me, is that really what he said to her or did he say that to keep her from loosing her shit? "She's not even pretty, she's pathetic, you told me the other day you loved me"she smirks in my face from a far.
"I lied Bella! it's her! it's always been her" he screams at her and she takes a step back.
"Dylan, I will tell your mother everything! you forget what I know, I will tell her in a second" she threatens Dylan and he just looks at me and he smiles "Go a head, tell her, in fact I'll tell her myself, I don't give a shit anymore" he grips my hand.
"I just want to be with her" he smiles and I smile at him and he pulls my hand and we run out the frat house, both panting in excitement and Dylan just looks at me.
I smile at him, I can't believe he risked it all for me, but what does Bella know?
"Black mail, that's why we couldn't be together" he explained and I frown in anger, how could she do something like that to him.
"Bella caught my father cheating on my mum, when she was looking for me" he sighed and it looked like he couldn't continue, but he let out a huge sigh "So she said if she saw me with another girl and I didn't get back together with her, she would tell mum and our family would be over"
"Dylan, I'm sorry, I can't even imagine what it must have been like for you" I put my hands on his shoulders looking him in the eye.
"I know it was awful having to date her again" he chuckles lightly.
"I mean about your mothers affair" I say "Oh, yeah don't worry about that" he brushes it off.
"All I care about it that I can finally be with you" he rest his head in my hair and wraps his arm around me "That's if you still want me, and you don't hate me" he says softly.
"I could never hate you" I say in his arms, and I lead him away from the frat house and we walk to my new apartment.
We hold hands walking down the streets, thank god the place isn't too far, it's freeing cold, thank god I chose to wear a jacket.

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