Chapter 19

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He licked his lips and I looked into his eyes and he just stared back at me, and he took his shirt off and I was stuck In a trance, he took my shirt off and we climbed into the hot tub, his eyes never leaving mine, I sat on his lap this time and I placed my arms on his shoulders, and bit down on his lip gently and he let out a sexy moan.
He was completely aroused now, I could see it in his eyes, they were burning with passion as he kept trying to take my undies off, and I giggled while teasing his lower body, caressing his thighs and he grunted with frustration, and his hips moved and he took in each stoke.
"Hannah, don't tease me" he growled at me and I licked my lips and purred into his ear "I don't know what your talking about"
"Please get on" he begged, placing his hands on waists trying to guide them up, I gave him and got on him slowly and rocked my hips back and forth, driving him crazy that he slammed his fist onto the ground, I tugged at his hair and placed kissed all over his neck, I wanted to give him a hickey but I wasn't sure how he'd feel about that.
"Fuck me sideways, I can't get enough of you" he said as he finished on my back, wiping it off my back.
"Admit it though, you like having me around too" he whispered into my ear and I giggled.
"Your not so bad" I tease and he whispered back into my ear "Not so bad huh" he chuckled softly "Okay, you are very good company, and not just In bed" I bit down on my lip and he liked my answer.

We held hands on our way back to my dorm, and he didn't even care that Ashley or Ellen saw, something has changed since I left this afternoon, but I didn't care I was just happy he was with me right now, and that he wasn't in shower with some girl, but now I felt for Ashley and how I should break it to her.
I dropped my stuff onto my bed and before I got to comfortable "Let's go back to my room, more privacy" he whispered into my ear.
He grabbed my wrists and we left before the girls could say goodbye, and he held my hands again as we walked through the frat house and into his room.
He pulled me towards the bed and I was standing between his knees and I put my hand in his shoulders, I took them away after I remembered what he told me what Bella did, but then he grabbed my wrist and put it back there "I like it when you do it" he smiled and I kept them there, I think he liked how gentle I was with him, even though he liked it rough.
He looked up at me and he handed me one his shirts and I placed it over my head and he grinned at me, his shirt smelt fantastic, minty and like his favourite perfume, he must have brushed his teeth while he wore this shirt.

Our little moment of bliss was interrupted by a loud banshee calling out Dylan's name "DYLAN! It was Bella of course, I couldn't believe that she was here, even though Dylan told her to fuck off!
"Closet" he grunted and pushed me off him and, and he didn't even bother to turn the lights off, she could probably see the light through the door and we tip toed into the large closet again!
He closed the door and turned his phone on silent again, he obviously still had her on his phone which did bother me, but we had other things to worry about.
Thank god the door was locked so she couldn't just bust in here, Although that didn't seem like it wood stop her.
Someone must have let her in because I could hear her heels on the wooden floor as she stomped into the room "Dylan I know your in here your buddies told me you were in here" thank god they didn't mention he had company.
I could smell her cheap perfume she was wearing and she headed towards the bathroom door "Dylan you can't ignore me, you can't stay away from me forever" she said arrogantly.
"Wanna bet" he whispered and she kept banging on the door.
"If this is about that girl you were seen with at the party, I've heard her name mentioned a couple of times" she scoffed and it sounded like she was jealous, like actually jealous.
"It'd be a shame if she found out our secret Dylan" rage filled me quicker than a blink.
"Don't listen to her, she's just trying to get a reaction out of me" he put his hand on leg.
"And don't think just because you told me to fuck off that I actually would, you know you can't resist me" she giggled "That's why you got a tattoo on your back for me" she added.
Dylan rolled his eyes "I'll explain that later" he whispered slightly annoyed, was he annoyed that might have spilled something he didn't t want me to hear.

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