Chapter 21

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He almost pushes me in and locks the door behind us and lets out a heavy sigh, "She won't find us here, trust me" so he hasn't taken Bella here before, but I wondered why he didn't have a keycard for the room, he used a regular key instead.
I looked around the three bedroom apartment, it was really nice, the room smelt like sage, did they know he was coming? and that its his favourite scent?
"How are you paying for this room? You didn't even check in with the lady at the front desk? I questioned him out of curiosity "This room belongs to me, my dad kinda owns this hotel" he told me and look of surprise comes onto my face "Yeah he reserved this room for me, so I can come here when ever I want, it I ever need to get away or be alone." He explained.
"Plus Bella downs know about this place, so I know she wouldn't interrupt us, fucking tired of her cock blocking me" he threw his shoes on the ground and I picked them up and placed them by the door and he smiled at me.
"You don't have to do that, your not my maid" he said in a polite way "What am I then? I asked, I don't know why I said it, but apart of me wanted to know.
"I don't know" that's all he said and he patted down on the bed, and he ran his fingers though his hair and he knew I liked it because he smiled, he laid down and closed his eyes, taking in the silence, there was no party music, no yelling, no screaming, just the two of us.
Dylan's phone started vibrating constantly, after many rings he decided to finally answer it.
"What part of fuck off, don't you understand! He grunted in frustration, "Where the fuck are you, Scott said you left the party, and with some girl! and you two headed to the rose gardens" she screamed in the speaker.
"Well he was right, I did leave the party" he said "Bella don't call again, I'm serious" he hung up the phone and threw it on the floor, he looked over at me and could tell I was tense because he frowned "Why do you still have her in your contacts" I noticed her contact name was Bella <3.
"I can't delete her, trust me... it wouldn't be a wise decision, but I can change her contact name to crazy bitch if you want" he beamed a smile at me and I smiled back.
"Are you okay? you look like you have something on your mind" he asked walking towards me and he sat down next to me on the bed, running his hands through his glossy hair.
"I was just wondering why you have a three bedroom apartment" I blurted out, is didn't want to lie to him, I liked him to much to ever lie to him
He sighed and looked like he was going to make up something but then he surprise me by saying "I plan on living here one day, once I finish College" he admitted "The extra rooms are for when I have kids...or if" I don't know what he was going to say, maybe he was going to say that he would ask who he is dating to move in with him, apart of me hopes it would be me, but I don't know if he wants a relationship any time soon.

Dylan coughed to break the silence "Did you want to watch some on tv? He crawled to the back of the bed and switched the television on, I scooted over next to him, and he was flicking through the channels "What did you want to watch? There's a comedy movie, or that new detective movie...or" I cut him and surprised him by saying "How about the zombie movie, looks like there's a marathon on" he grinned at me and switched to the Chanel, we watched two of them before he switched the tv off.
"What" I said as he gave me a strange look "Nothing, i just wouldn't have picked you for a gore fan, that's all" he smirked "You trying to tell me you have a biting fetish" he teased.
I blushed at his dirty words and how they turned me on so much, but it was nice to have a few hours with him without us having hit sex, it made me think that we could possibly have a future together, that it wasn't just causal sex.
"Was it something I said" he frowned and I got my side and leaned in to kiss him, and he kissed me back throwing the remote onto the ground, is it weird that I liked how dirty he was, and not just in the bedroom.

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