Chapter 35

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I open the door thank god it's not locked and there she is on the bed, on her butterfly bed with a dog plush doll in her arms that's moulded to her face, it must have memory foam in it or something.
I close the door slowly and I look at the butterflies and birds panted on her side of the bedroom, I assume Ellen did this for her, I wonder why she thought she liked butterflies and birds, did she stalk her social media accounts like I did?
I step on a cord on the floor and hoped that I didn't wake her "Shit" I say softly.
She rolls over but she doesn't wake up, she's wearing the cutest pyjamas, and I look at the photo of her and her mum on her bedside table. And she has some lavender in a little pouch next to the photo.
I half smile at her, and I turn my phone on do not disturb, I'd hate if Bella's calls it what wakes her up.
She's so beautiful, they way her faces lights up in the moonlight, and how she holds the plush doll like it's her most prized possession, everything about her is beautiful.
She's like an angel that accidentally fell down to earth and has blessed everyone with her presence and her kind heart.
I don't know what she see's in me, I don't really want to ask her I'd hate to ruin the surprise, but why do I keep ruining things for her, I should just let her move on and be happy, but I can't stay away from her, I need her like a foal needs it's mother.
But my situation with Bella, I'd hate to bring her into that, she doesn't deserve that drama or that shit in her life, she's just a girl who wants to get a good degree and do something with her life, should I really screw up her life just because I am attracted to her? Before I can think about anything else she opens her eyes slightly.
"Ethan" she mutters softly still asleep, she's so adorable.
"No it's um Dylan" I say not sure what to expect of her response to find me in her room, practically watching her sleep Edward Cullen style.
"No, he's not here, he's at some party tonight, probably with some pretty girl" she says still half asleep. Well she's not wrong about the pretty girl part.
I chuckle lightly "Hannah wake up" I shake her lightly and she opens her eyes.
"Dylan, why are you in my dreams" she says not realising she's awake right now.
"I'm not Hannah, I'm here in your room" I try and say the least creepy way that I can, but you can probably guess how well that turned out.
"Why would you be here? your lying, your at your party" she says convinced that I'm not here.
She's closes her eyes and she rests her head on the edge of the bed, cuddling her plush doll again, I sigh and I can think of only one thing that will wake her, I want to pour vodka on her but that probably won't end very well.
So i take a deep breath and I move my lips down to hers and her lips are inches away from mine, she's smells like mango just like how Ashley and Ellen smelt, they must have sprayed that stuff around.
I get down on my knees to get myself comfortable and then press my lips to hers and she kissed me back, softly and passionately, she doesn't open her eyes yet.
I just savour the moment before she realises that she's awake, but then she lifts her head up her lips still to mine and she sits up properly and she puts her arms around my neck, I love it when she does that, it's like her thing that she does with me and it drives me crazy.
She pulls my neck in closer and she moans in between breaths, and I hold onto her hips and she bites down on my lips softly, is she thinking of me while she's asleep? or maybe she thinks she's kissing  her celebrity crush who ever that maybe.
I get up of the ground and sit on the bed next to her and she rotates her body so she's facing me and I need every single kiss from her, I crave her body like I'm never going to touch it again.
My phone vibrates again in my pocket and I throw it onto her bedside counter, and pull her closer to me and pulls away "Dylan" she says "Yes Hannah" I say back to her, wondering when she is going to wake up properly.
"Why did you buy that present for my mother? and secondly how did you know that it was her birthday tomorrow? she ask's me trying to remember all the questions that she clearly had for me, it's like she had a damn speech prepared.
"When you told me to never speak to you again, after you found out about the fake bug infestation in your room, I came to apologise and I heard you outside your room talking about how upset and angry you were that you weren't able to get your mother a present" I told her sheepishly "So as soon I heard you say that, I had that present made up for her and then I delivered it" I looked into her eyes and she wasn't angry she was happy and her eyes wide open now.
She throws her arms around me and holds me tight "Thank you" she says to me and she let's go.

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