Chapter 18

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It was a Saturday morning so I decided to take the train and visit my family and hopefully buy a car for myself, I couldn't wait to see my family, specially my little sister.
I knocked on the door and my father answered the door "Hannah, what a pleasant surprise"
"Hey dad, is Monica home? I ask as I walk in the door, and dad lead me into the living room.
"She's still at the diner, but she will be happy to hear that your dropped by" Dad said drinking his lemon tea.
"Is Claire having a nap? I asked, wondering why she hasn't come down stairs to greet me, and he nodded "How is she going? I wonder trying to spoil the mood.
"She's getting worse unfortunately, there's nothing more the doctors can do" Dad said morosely, and I my heart broke into a million pieces, my sister is dying and there's nothing I can do, I started to cry and I wanted to hug my dad but, he doesn't do hugs so I just up and held his hand, and he squeezed mine back.
He blew his nose "You should go see her now, she should be awake by now" he took another sip of his tea.
I nodded and went upstairs to my sisters room and the door was wide open, and Claire was fast asleep on the bed, I looked around at my sixteen year old sisters room and was saddened, a usual sixteen year olds room would be filled with posters of the boy band she liked, and pictures of her friends on different occasions, like camping trips of school dances.
But instead my sisters room is filled with medical equipment and pill trays and sticky notes with her appointments on them.
I hated to watch my sister go through this, she is such a sweet, caring beautiful girl, who doesn't deserve what she is going through, all u can do is pray for her, and cherish the moments I have with her.
I leaned on her bed, and stroked her beautiful hair out of her face, and she opened her eyes slowly, but he her eyes light up as she saw me.
"Hannah Banana, it's so good to see you" she smiled and got up slowly and sat next to me on the bed.
We talked about girl stuff mostly , and of course about Dylan, I didn't give her too much detail because we weren't actually together, and I had many messages from Dylan, I had to stop Claire from trying to read them in case they were dirty.
I didn't want to leave her, but I had to get a car before all the dealerships closed, so I hugged her goodbye and my dad, which I'm surprised he allowed.
I went to a local dealership that dad recommended and managed to get a Chevy Cruze for a decent price, considering the mileage and the age of the car, I was very satisfied, the paint wasn't faded and the in interior had been looked after, no Coffee stains or cigarette burns, in a nice white.

I left the dealership and drove my new car home, and plugged my phone in to charge and I received more messages from Dylan, but I wasn't going to text and drive, I finally reached the parking lot and turned my car off, and responded to him but he wasn't answering me back, I headed to the co-ed bathrooms to see if he was there, maybe he was taking a shower and that's why he wasn't responding, or maybe he turned his phone off and went to bed for the night?
I checked his shower and it was occupied, I couldn't it, I'm gone for a few hours and he's already in there will some other girl, what if it's Bella? I was so frustrated! I wanted to storm out the building and punch a wall, I headed down the corridor when I heard footsteps.
"Hey Princess" Dylan calked out and a wave of relief filled my body, thank god it wasn't him, then who was In his shower, I poked my head in there and it was Mason and the other girl wasn't Ashley, he was cheating on her, obviously with that girl I saw him arguing with other day.
Dylan walked up behind me and hugged me, Placing kisses on my neck, before dragging me into the hot tub room, he closed the door behind me and locked it.
"Where the fuck have you been Hannah, do you even understand how worried I have been? He was going to continue taking but I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him on the forehead.
"I'm sorry for making you worry, I just...had a dream last night that Claire died, and I had to see her" I sighed into his neck, and he held me in his arms pulling me tight "I almost called campus security to look for you" he cupped my head with his hands "And I...missed you" he smiled softly.
"I missed you too" I smiled and pulled him for a long kiss, he pulled away and he groped my bottom "And your cute ass" he purred into my ear, I could feel him already hard against me.
I knew he would've had missed me sexually, I cannot deny our chemistry together, it's very intense but passionate at the same time.

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