Chapter 7

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Of course it was Ethan, I roll my eyes as he walks towards me, thank god he isn't with that girl, I'm not in the mood for a smack down!
"Ethan! What the crap you scared the hell out of me" I fold my arm's in anger easing the thoughts in my mind over what could have happened if it was a stranger, or possibly Bella.
"Checking yourself out in the mirror, babe that's not like you at all" he said slightly tipsy.
"First of all I'm not your babe, you lost the right to call me that after you cheated on me! I shove him showing him I'm not in the mood for his bullshit!
He chuckled lightly "Secondly where's your arm candy? I ask although I don't care.
"Olivia, I don't know she's probably getting me a beer, or she's in the toilet or something" he shrugs.
"So that's her name, that's the girl you left me for" I said in disgust.
"Beautiful isn't she, but not as beautiful as you" he winked at me.
"Your drunk Ethan, just leave me alone" I push him back as he keeps walking towards me.
"I'm not in the mood to have a screaming match with your girlfriend" I growl at him.
"I don't know I thought it was kinda hot how you stood up to her, you never used to be that confident" he smiled at me taking another step towards me.
"Yeah well people change Ethan, Cleary you haven't your still a sleaze bag" I take another step back away from him.
"You don't mean that Hannah, we dated for three years remember, why do you keep backing away from me?  He says now stumbling towards me.
"Yeah what a waste" I told my arms in anger "Stop coming towards me Ethan"
"Hannah, you know you still have feelings for me, just one kiss come one" he says trying to lean into me.
"No Ethan, leave me alone! I yell so hopefully someone hears me, even though I doubt they will over the loud music, and I probably just look like a cock tease to passers by, I try to shove him away but he keeps coming back.
"Get off her! Dylan grabbed him by the shoulders and shoved him towards the door and my heat is pounding loudly.
"Geez lighten up Walters, I was just having some fun" Ethan smirks and I want to vomit.
"If you ever touch her against her will again" Dylan's fists clench in anger "Ethan just go away! I yell and he finally leaves, stumbling out the door like a fool.

I sigh in relief as Dylan has rescued me again from another Ethan situation, Dylan closes the door and looks at me a lot more relaxed now "Are you okay? Did he touch you? He asked in concern.
"I'm fine" I sigh my heart finally stable "He wasn't going to do anything stupid, other than kiss me" I reassured him.
"Even that would have been a stupid move" he muttered under his breath.
"Thank you, I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't come in here" I smile at him.
"I needed to grab a shirt for Scott, Mason split beer on him" he said Looking through a large closet "But your welcome" he says looking at shirts.
"This is your room" I realised because he seems to know his way around it, and I could smell sage In the air, he must have lit before the party.
"Yup, what were you doing in here" he turned his head slightly still searching.
"Trying to avoid Ethan, but look how that turned out" I rolled my eyes and his body stiffened slightly at the sound of Ethans name.
"Maybe next time, don't go into a room" he looks back at me "That's how they ambush you" he says, obviously from experience.
"Dylan! Dylan where are you we need to talk! A girl kept screaming at the top of her lungs.
"Shit it's Bella, turn that light off and lock the door" he said and I sprint over to lock the latch and turn the lamp off, and he grabs my by the wrist and I look up at him.
"Quick, get in here" he whispers and drags me into the large closet, there's enough room for the two of us in here, and he puts me behind him, he looks through the peephole and Bella somehow manages to get the door open, it wasn't a very good latch if she could open it just using a long hair clip.
She puts her hair clip back in her hair and she sits down on the bed, she got her phone out and Dylan quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket and put it on mute.
We waited for her to eventually give up and leave but she looked like she wasn't going to budge, this is going to be a long night.

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