Chapter 5

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I am loving the new confidence in myself, I guess college changes people, sometimes for the better, I mean what's wrong with being confident?

With a few hours to kill I decided to go the shops and grab a whole new wardrobe for myself for the new me, When I returned after a long drive due to lots of traffic and all the red lights on the way home! Ellen and Ashley were all dressed up and ready to go to the party.
"Don't wait up for me, I'll meet you guys there" I said and they dance out of our dorm room.
Ellen's wearing a unicorn onesie and Ashley wore a floral print jump suit, I however had no idea what I was going to wear.
I decide to go casual this time and put a simple black shirt with some black jeans on, I put some foundation on and some eye liner and I was ready for this party.

I follow the bunch of people who are obviously heading to the party as well, I follow them all the way to the frat house on the campus, and as I enter I try and make it look like I'm not looking for Dylan, and I eventually find Ellen and Ashley, Ashley is making out with I assume her boyfriend, Mason I think his name was and Ellen was flirting with a girl.
The group was sitting around a small fire pit when some couches facing towards it, and I sat on one of the couches that was free, and Ellen gave me a smile and Ashley stoped making out with her boyfriend and when she meet my gaze she smiled, almost as if she was surprised that I came.
"Hey everyone, this is our new roommate Hannah" everyone gave me a nod and one of the blokes drinking a beer gave me a smile.
"She's a business and Econ student, who's also doing sign language" she adds and everyone in the group looks impressed.
Mason nudged the guy who smiled at me before and he offered me a beer "Names Scott by the way" he said told me that he was a bio medical student and he had lovely hazel eyes, but he looks like a player so I won't be going there, he told me how Mason was studying journalism and that Ashley was doing journalism as well as English lit, I wish my roommates would have told me this, I mean we're supposed to be getting to know each other right? He told me about Ellen as well, and how she's doing visual arts photography and media, as well as Chinese.

I had a a few more beers before My curiosity got the better of me "Has anyone seen Dylan? I asked realising I said that quiet loudly.
"Probably off having his one thousandth argument with Bella" Scott said and everyone laughed "I didn't know he had a girlfriend" I say pretending to be un interested.
"Ex girlfriend, Isabella cheated on Dylan on a spa weekend she went to over the summer" Ashley explained and everyone went quite for a bit.
"That doesn't mean they don't still fuck though" Scott gave Mason a high five and I did a fake laugh, I felt like an idiot, was he just bored and someone to help with his blue balls? Am I just a silly girl who fell for his lines? "Why are you dressed like him anyway" Ellen raised her eyebrow "Am I, I didn't even notice" I laughed nervously, thank god they were all to drunk to question me on it.

That's when I saw him trough the crowds with a gorgeous girl with burgundy hair in a long pony tail, that must be Isabella, she was arguing with him while at the same time throwing her self at him, he kept pulling away but at the same time he looked at her like she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, I guess he's not truly over her yet, which bothered me for some reason.
I looked away for a bit but my eyes always found there way back to him, they way he stood over her, the way he pushed his hair back out his eyes, he was so sexy and his toned muscles and how they tensed whenever she would say something that pissed him off, he turned his his head away from her and our eyes met, I couldn't help but notice how they lit up once he saw me, he grabbed a beer and just walked away from Bella, I couldn't help but watch him as he walked through the crowd, and they parted like the Red Sea when he walked past.

"Hey" everyone said and Mason gave him a high five and Scott offered him a cigarette which he declined and sat down next to me, I moved over slightly to give him some room.

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