Chapter 38

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When I finally get back to my dorm, I find Ellen and Ashley in the room, and there trying to put my letter back together when they see me they gasp.
"Hannah, I'm so sorry" Ellen starts apologising, but I don't mind at least I know that he read it, and I didn't expect him to keep it.
"It's just a letter" I say if only that were true, it wasn't just a letter it was the ending of Dylan and I, but I didn't want them to know that.
Ashley gives me a hug and we all share and awkward silence "Well we have to go to our last class" Ellen coughs to break the silence.
"Yeah, see you later Hannah" Ashley waves out the door and I plop onto the bed.
I can't stay here anymore, not in this university but in the dorm, he knows that I live here, and I give it a few days and he will back, telling me he misses me and that he doesn't care about the whole Bella thing, and that we can make it work.
I have to find a place off campus, and I need to get a part time job so I can afford to move out, that way I don't have to bump into him around the campus and get reminded of a love I will never get to have.
I spend all afternoon looking threw jobs and importing my resumes onto many job sites, hoping I get a response from one place, even if it's waiterssing or cleaning, anything! and after three hours I close my laptop and call it a day, I have a few texts from Shane and my mother thanking me for a lovely lunch.
I kind've wished I had spent the day with mum, maybe even stayed over her house and watching rom coms with her, but mum has her knitting classes every Tuesday and Thursday, and if she missed it I am pretty sure she would cry, she loves her knitting group so much, there all her oldest friends from high school.
I hope I can have something like one day, like a social club that has Shane in it and a couple of other friends that I have know for a long time.
I haven't spoken to Shane in a while, I haven't seen him since that incident at the cafe, he thought it was him that I was running from but I haven't told him about Dylan.
I text Shane back telling him that we should catch up tonight for some dinner, I need a good distraction, I know it's mean to use Shane for that but he's my friend and he should understand, I get ready while I wait for Shane's response even if he can't make it, i'll still go out for dinner.
He texts back a few minuets later after, and I'm ready to go, I slip on a simple black shirt and jeans and head down to the dinner where mum and I had lunch, I text him the restaurants name and he says he'll meet me out the front.

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