Chapter 4

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This chapter is a little steamy if you know what I mean.

I stood there and my breath was short and I he moved the soap onto my back and starting rubbing it on in circles with his soft hands, he was so gentle and I could feel his bulge pressed up against me, he was so close I could feel his breathe on the back of my neck.
"Do you want me to stop?he whispered into my ear.
Entranced I don't say anything and he grabs the bottle and pours more soap into his hands, he puts his arms around my waist while kissing my neck slowly.
I tried not to moan to loud but it was a long time since I had been intimate with someone since Ethan, and I enjoyed his touch very much, his hands moved around my body caressing me gently.
I turned around and looked him In the eyes and they were full of passion, I couldn't help but notice how turned on her was, and he wasn't embarrass about it at all.
I walked up to him slowly and moved my hands onto his shoulders, washing soap on to him playfully and he gives me a crooked smile.
He then moves in slowly leaning down to kiss me but I decided to kiss him first, which took him by surprise, but he grabbed me pulling me closer to him as much as possible.
His hands moved to my neck kissing me passionately, I could feel his package throbbing as he started dry humping against the wall, I moaned softly at his touch, wanting him so badly, I wasn't a virgin but it has been a while and he is very attractive.
I'd never had sex in a shower before, the idea of it made me wet and passion swept though my body and I pulled him out of the shower in the wall of the cubicle, he lifted me up on top of him and and I held onto his neck, kissing his shoulders.
"You are so fucking beautiful" he said in between moans as he placed more kissed on my much more passionate this time. He started nipping at my neck and I moaned his name while holding on his hair.
He then lifted me down, slightly out of breath "That's what I call a steaming hot shower" he purred Into my ear, making me want to take him right here, right now not even caring if other people hear us, I had to get more of taste of my sexy shower buddy.
I blushed and moved my hair over my ear and he handed me my towels, a look of disappointed flashed over his face as he knew I obviously had to change. He turns around as I put my new clothes on while he back is turn, I can tell he is aching to turn around but he doesn't "Do you have to get changed" he complains. I'm fully dressed and he turns around and pouts for a second "I was enjoying the view" he said with lust in his eyes, still very much tuned on.
I giggled slightly and he comes up to me and places a kiss on my cheek which leaves me week in the knees "I'll see you later" he said a black shirt over his head and ripped jeans over his blue boxers, smiling on his way out.
I could hear my heart, it was a long time since  guy had touched me like that, and it felt nice even if it didn't mean anything to him.
As I closed the curtain I noticed the reserved sign on the curtain which said, Reserved for Dylan Walters only! Walters why does that name sound familiar? I think my dad cheated on my mum at a Walters hotel once.
But all I was thinking about was how that looked, me leaving his shower after him! Great now everyone thinks we probably had sex In there, it's not even my first day and now the school probably thinks I'm a floozy.
"Hannah! A familiar voice says in surprise behind me, of course Ethan would spot me after I left a guys shower.
I turn around with a fake smile on my face "Ethan, what a lovely surprise" I say with sarcasm.
"Not as much of a surprise seeing you with that Walters bloke, I mean really Hannah"  he scoffs "You've just met him and you've already slept with him" he said with an accusing tone.
The girl he was flirting with before chuckled loudly like it was the funniest joke on earth.
"You've got a lot of nerve talking to me about sleeping around, when you cheated on me asshole" I shoved him.
"You must be the bimbo he cheated on me with, hows does it feel to have my sloppy seconds? I turned around not even giving her a chance to respond and I stuck my finger up at the both of them, suddenly feeling more confident about myself, I wall back to the dorm and close the door behind me and blink a couple of times, did that really happen? Did I stand up for myself in front of Ethan, I am loving the new me!

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