Chapter 39

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Dylan's POV
I wake up in Hannah's bed and she's not here, her bag's gone and I can smell her perfume that's she has sprayed, she must have gone to lunch with her mother already, I was kind of hoping we could talk before she left but I think she purposely left early so we didn't have to have a chat.
I sit up on the bed, still in my boxers and I slip my shirt over my head and there's a note on Hannah's bedside table it's addressed to me.
I sit on the edge of the bed and take the paper in my hand, when did she have time to right this, it's not messy, so she didn't write this is a hurry, did she pre write this? I fold the paper open and start to read.

To Dylan,
I'm sorry but we can't do this anymore, I'd like to think that in our little world that we could do the secret romance away from Bella, but we would be living a lie, I hate more than anything to do this to you, and this letter is the hardest thing I've ever had to write, but we need to go our separate ways, I think you should go back to Bella, and stop using me as your little play thing while you two are trying to work out your differences, you act like you can't stand her but I know when your not with me your probably with her, and I can't stand knowing that she has everything that I want with you, so please don't come around anymore, don't text me when your drunk, and don't talk to me even in class, it's just to hard too do anymore, I'm sorry, Hannah.

I slam my fist onto the table, I can't believe she thinks I'm using her because I'm bored, or because I'm a player and I'm just waiting for Bella and I to get back together, if I wanted her back I could have her trust me, I can't contain my rage anymore, if she only knew the truth then she wouldn't be saying goodbye to me.
I take the letter and I tare it into a millions pieces, and the paper scatters all around the room, I hear the door opening hoping it's Hannah, but it's just her roommates Ellen and Ashley. They gasp when they see what's happen, but I don't say anything I just push past them out the door, and I storm off back to my place at the frat house, why on earth did we call it Walters Blue, dad came up with that name.
I charge in my room and slam the door shut and I kick the nearest furniture i see, although it doesn't relieve from the pain I'm feeling, I stand in the middle of my room and I almost cried, I've never cried over a girl before, not even Bella when she cheated on me, I can't get Hannah out of my head, I'm not going to lie for a while I thought she was just an attraction for me, but now that I know her, it just makes this whole thing harder.
I want to hold her again, I want to kiss her again, and fuck I want to screw her again so badly, I've never had such a high sex drive before with someone, with Bella, I have to be stinking drunk before I can even think about fucking her, but with Hannah, just being in the same room is enough to get me a semi.
I need to clear my head, I need to go for a walk, hopefully I don't bump into Hannah, otherwise I may start crying in front of her, begging her to take me back.
I go around the campus several times and In my final lap I see Hannah, I hope she doesn't see me like this, she's clearly going out somewhere, she must be going to dinner with someone, I hope it's not that Shane dude, he's so proper.
I head back to my frat house, I need to try and drink her away gain, probably won't work but it's worth a try, she's worth loosing my liver over. I drink until I pass out and all I can see is black.

Months and months pass by, I miss Hannah like crazy, I wish I could tell her that Bella is black mailing me that's why we can't be together, she has some dirt on my dad and if my mother ever found out, she would divorce him and then our family would spilt up, and I don't want to go through that, I can't loose Hannah and have my parents divorce and spilt up too, Bella has been a pain in the ass these last few months, she keeps making me meet her family and taking me to family events, she says its because there's alcohol, which is the only reason I would go, I'm not going for her, and plus it's a good distraction, I bet Hannah and Shane are in a relationship now, probably celebrating there six month anniversary, fuck I need some booze.
i go down stairs to the kitchen and there's nothing, not a single drop in the house, this must really be hell, if I throw a party I'm sure there will be booze.
I text everyone organising a party this afternoon, I really hope Hannah comes, hopefully she doesn't bring Shane, I don't know if I can stomach seeing them together, thank god Bella is spending the week away again tomorrow morning, so she will have an early night.

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