Chapter 24

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I drag him into the bathroom and into the shower and turn on the hot water, but if you ask me the heat was already on, "Like our shower sex that much huh" he chucked lightly and then joined me in shower, I moved my hands to waist and moved my fingers over his penis, moving my hand up and down in a smooth motion, feeling him getting harder in my hand, and he clenched his hand and held onto my shoulder as, I got faster his moans Intensified.
He took his hand off and took over, his strong arms tightening as he got faster, and he finishes on my stomach, I wash it away of me and I watch his gooey liquid fall into the drain.
He pulls me in tight and we share a warm embrace under the hot water, he places gentle kisses on my neck, and I ran my fingers through his hair, gently stroking his neck and watching him twinging every now and then.
"Did you find the Condom" he whispered in my ear, I did bit for some reason I felt like not using one, to feel him inside without the wrapper, I knew that it was risky, but I trusted him and I wanted to experience it differently with him.
I leaned into him "Just pull out before hand" I said, unsure of what he was going to say, he knew that I looked for one, but did he want to take the risk too?
He didn't say anything he just turned me around and rested his hands on my waist, I guided him in slowly and he hisses as I felt him inside me, oh my god he felt so amazing, his bludge inside me, thrusting his at a medium pace, he went into so deeply I had to stop myself from bitting my own arm from the pleasure, my moans were soft over the dripping water and the sounds of his ferocious grunts.
"Fuck me sideways, Hannah...oh my god" I couldn't help but giggle at his commonly used phrase, he started going slower, more gentle and more passionate, his hands softly squeezing my waist, the other hand was stroking my back.
"Mmmm, oh Dylan" I moaned and he started panting quickly and then pulled out and came on the wall of the shower, collapsing onto me.
He got out of the shower and dried himself off, I moved the shower head to clean the cum of the walls, and then hopped out of the shower.

I dried myself off and went back into the bedroom and Dylan was lying on the bed, I put my bra back on and he looked at me with surprise "I always sleep with my bra on, but don't worry I'll leave my panties off" I poked my tongue out at him and he chuckled "You damn well Better" he said as he got under the covers and licked his lips.
He ran his hands through his and I melted again, I couldn't believe how beautiful the man next to me was, his eyes were so stunning, his toned body was amazing, and he just makes you feel, safe and warm.
"Stop looking at me like you want me to fuck you again" he grinned with his closed and I moved closer to him getting under the blankets.
"But what if I want you too" I purr into his ear and he lets out a short chuckle "Sleep beautiful" he kissed me on the forehead and let out a deep sigh while turning onto his back.
He put his hand on my stomach "Believe me, i want to, but I also have respect for you" he closed his eyes and I rested my head on his stomach and eventually fall asleep.

I woke up the next morning to Dylan grunting and tossing around the bed, saying Bella's name multiple times which hurt a little bit, I just spent the night with him and he's thinking about her! Maybe he is just having a nightmare, but a part of me feels that he hasn't got over her entirely.
Embarrassed I climbed out of the bed and got dressed quickly, trying not to wake him and make to much noise, I left a kiss goodbye on his forehead and closed the door quietly.

I felt like I was doing the walk of shame in the hotel lobby as I walked to the car park, I half expected a message from him or even a call asking where I was, but I didn't blame him if he didn't message me, I have to keep reminding myself that we aren't actually together, I throw my phone on silent once I got to my car and silently cried on the way back to my dorm as a million thoughts ran through my head.

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