1 | The Accident

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It was a normal day for Chamuel Grace. She got up, freshened up, and got ready for her work as a journalist. She was in a blissful mood, she thought that this day would be happy. With that in mind, she decided to wear a bright yellow dress. What better way to express her optimism, other than by wearing a bright colored dress? She took a last glance at her full body mirror before marching off to her work.

She was humming while walking towards the bus stop, even skimping now and then. She took her usual bus and greeted everyone she sees.

"Good morning Mr. Robinson." She greeted the bus driver with a big smile on her face as she steps inside.

"G' day to you too, lassie."
He greeted back with the same level of enthusiasm. 

Chamuel sat in her usual seat, the window seat in the left 3rd row. She can't help but notice the group of kindergartens at the back seat, they were about 15 or above with a single teacher attending the children. They were causing a ruckus, laughing and playing. She can't help but snicker as the teacher tried to quiet them down.

"What a loud bunch, aren't they?" The old lady in the right row said. She smiled at her. "Kinda reminds me of my childhood."

"Well, I bet you're just as cute as them, lass." The old lady warmly said. She can't help but smile at her. "Cookie?" The old lady offered, which she took.

"It's very delicious, did you bake it?" She politely asked after taking a bite. The old lady chuckled, "Oh, stop flattering me." She said as she handed her a pack of it. "Nobody eats it at home anyway, here take some more."

"I WANT ONE TOO!" A kid at their back shouted and raised his hand, seems like he saw the exchange and felt jealous.

The teacher looked ashamed by the behavior of the child but the old lady simply laughed and handed a pack of cookies to the kid. The teacher just gave an apologetic look and took the packet.

"It's so delish!" The kids shouted after tasting the cookies. The people inside the bus couldn't help but either smile or laugh at their comical reactions. Giving the children too much sugar in the morning might not be the best idea.

Up till that point, Chamuel was right, it is a bright day for her. Up until that point.

Nobody paid attention to the man wearing a black coat and hat that had entered the bus. Mr. Robinson greeted him but he only let out a small grunt as a reply. He limped towards the seats but to everyone's surprise, he suddenly pulled out a gun and pointed it at the old lady.

"Nobody moves or this old hag will get it!" He shouted frantically with bloodshot eyes. Some of the kids cried, some passengers ducked while the old lady on the other hand prayed.

Chamuel couldn't think straight for a moment, she saw that guy on the news the other day. He's a wanted criminal for causing a massacre at the plaza the other night. She couldn't stop her knees from trembling, she was frozen in her seat.

"Continue driving!" He commanded Mr. Robinson when the bus became slower. "Are you listening to me?!" He angrily said and pushed the tip of the mouth of the gun on the old lady's head. Gasps and screams were heard. Everyone was panicking, not knowing what they should do.

"Take that exit! Go into the express highway! Speed up!" He directed Mr. Robinson, Mr. Robinson couldn't do anything but follow him. 

"Don't try to do anything funny or I swear to god this old hag's head will be blown into pieces and next will be the heads of those damned children!" He said, pointing the gun towards the kids then back to the old lady.

Chamuel couldn't think straight. She thought that it would be a great day for her. But she thought wrong.

The criminal ordered one of the female passengers to come forward and she did, with her knees shaking, almost failing her. The man held her in the arms and dragged her to the front. "Open the doors!" He ordered Mr. Robinsons. "But sir!" He protested.

"Open it, or I'll open her head up instead!" He threatened so Mr. Robinson couldn't do anything but obey. The doors opened and the criminal whispered to the girl, making her face turn even paler, she then begged him.

"Please... I beg you... have mercy!" She sobbed with hands clasped together but the criminal only laughed. "This IS my mercy for you."

Chamuel, on the other hand, took the opportunity,  she searched for the scissors in her bag and sneaked behind the man. She had a small frame and the criminal was preoccupied with the female passenger so it wasn't hard to sneak behind him.

Without thinking, her body moved on its own and she used the scissors in her hands to stab the man in the neck. "Argh!" He grunted as he felt the sudden pain on his neck.

When the man faced Chamuel, she took the chance to try and take the gun away from him. Nobody could move when the deafening sound of the gun resonated in the bus. The man and Chamuel looked at each other wide-eyed. Chamuel couldn't move because of the pain she feels in her chest, caused by the gunshot.

The man lost his balance and started to sway towards the open bus door, they watch as he slowly falls from the fast-paced bus.

"Lassie!" Mr. Robinson shouted as the man grabbed Chamuel.

Before anyone can try to grab her, both of them fell. 

What a beautiful day to die.

She thought to herself after seeing the bright sun before closing her eyes, waiting to feel the impact of falling.

When Chamuel opened her eyes, to her surprise a brown ceiling welcomed her.

"Welcome to hell, damned soul."  A man wearing specs said and smiled devilishly at her.

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