5 | Hell's Kitchen

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Chamuel walked behind Vin, not too far so she can grab him when she feels threatened and not too close to feel threatened by him. As soon as they stepped outside of the room, Chamuel became more cautious with her surroundings. She kept looking left and right, nervously walking with small and slow steps.

"If you keep walking like that I'll probably leave you behind,"
Vin said without throwing a look at her. Chamuel tried to keep up with him. "But you'll never know, okay? It's normal to be cautious when I'm just a normal human soul." Chamuel said as a matter of factly.

"I told you, I'll protect you. That's why I'm here after all." Vin said nonchalantly as they rode the elevator. Chamuel looked at him, a little touched but it looked like it was nothing to him so she tried not to be affected by it either.

She loosened up after his reassurance. She was still wary but not that much anymore. She stood up straight and tried to shake off her nervousness. "How come Hell is so lavish?" She suddenly asked. 

It's been bothering her for a while now, she's told that hell is full of fire and dead tortured souls but the only fire she's ever seen was the ball of fire thrown at her and the only dead soul she's seen is herself, she's not even being tortured---not that she wants to be though.

"Why wouldn't hell be lavish? Lucy is pretty egoistic and he denies it but I think he has an OCD." Vin said as if he's gossiping about their boss --- which, technically they are.

"Where are the tortured souls though?"
She asked then the elevator chimed.

Her eyes boggled out after seeing a large number of people-- no, demons-- in suits, talking and strolling in the dining hall. Some had weird demon-like traits such as horns, different colored skins, a tail, and excessive limbs while some looked smoking hot.

"Oh my god."
She said then unconsciously held Vin's elbow. 

"You should really lose that expression."
Vin said with humor while shaking his head. 

They stepped out of the elevator and Vin walked casually, Chamuel on the other hand, threaded lightly. 

"I thought you said you guys look normal here?"
Chamuel said in a small voice while crouching a little (in case a ball of fire came at her again).

"We can if we want to, some are more comfortable in their working attires so they wear it more often than their 'casual clothes'."
Vin said trying to use metaphors so that Chamuel could understand it better.

They walked towards the lines and surprisingly, even though it looked long, the line dispersed quickly, they didn't have to wait that long. 

"What's your order?"
Vin asked her when it was their turn to order. There was a one-way mirror and only a hole to speak in. Chamuel looked at it skeptically.

"Mine's club sandwich and baby back ribs with hot barbeque sauce, please."
He said in the hole. Chamuel just watched with curious eyes. 

Are we getting a loan?' She joked in her head. "What's yours?" Vin repeated. "C'mon we're holding up the line."

"A-Ah, then, j-just water."
She said without thinking. Vin raised his eyebrows at her. "Water?" He asked.

"A-And p-pancakes."
She said whatever came to her head. "With cookies and milk?" She asked, unsure whether she asked for something appropriate. 'Do they have food that doesn't have meat in it?' she curiously asked in her head.

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