12 | Aosoth's Help

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'The guardian noticed that Chamuel is special.' Aym said to himself as he looked at her. 'Just who are you, Chamuel Grace?'

"I'll be going ahead." Aym bid his goodbye to Vin as he got off on the elevator. Vin just nodded.

He looked at Chamuel's creased eyebrows and he couldn't help but chuckle at her franticness. Half of the reason why she's like that is because of his carelessness though. He sighed, beating himself up again.

He can't see Chamuel's past or future no matter how hard he tried. It bothered him but he didn't think much about it, she is just a mere human after all. But then he realized that he also can't smell anything from her. 

He was unsettled when they walked towards the forest, hence his aloof attitude. He kept thinking about how Chamuel blocks him out. 'How does she do it?' It wasn't impossible for someone to nullify a demon's ability but that would mean that Chamuel isn't just a 'mere human.'

He sighed as the elevator chimed, he might have to dig deeper into Chamuel's case. He can't protect her completely if he doesn't know what he's taking care of.

He gently laid her on his bed and sat at his swivel chair while looking at her. He pulled out a cigarette to relax himself a little.

Silence engulfed the room as he thought deeply. Putting pieces together yet he can't picture anything special. He has to break through her to see her past.

His attention snapped to the door as someone knocked on it. "It's open, Aosoth." He said so Ao entered the room.

"I heard you need me for something?" She said, leaning on the door. Vin looked at her in confusion, he didn't ask for her. He can smell that she wasn't lying though, so the one who lied must be the one who told her. "Who told you I need you?"

"Aym said so."
She said with a shrug. Vin sighed and huffed his cigarette for the last time and stood up.

Aym isn't stupid. He's sharp when it comes to things, he might not be as strong as Ao or Vin but he is smarter than them most of the time. 'He too must've speculated that Chamuel isn't normal.' Vin thought to himself.

"Let's talk outside." He said as he glanced at Chamuel who is sleeping soundly.

"Can you get your hands on her profile?" Vin asked in a low voice after they got out of the room.

"Chamuel's?" Ao asked, a little puzzled. Vin nodded. "Why?" She asked but Vin had a stern expression plastered on his face. "Can you?" Aosoth scanned his face. 'Why is he so serious?' 

She nodded as an agreement. "Give me two days though. Vanth is too uptight these days." She said and Vin nodded.

Vin entered the room again, leaving Aosoth puzzled why he's so caught up in Chamuel's case.

She shrugged it off, she's curious why Vin didn't smell Chamuel's lie earlier so she doesn't mind digging into her case either. She went back to her room.

"Bran." She called her familiar. "How rare for you to call me out in Hell." The raven said as he appeared from her necklace. "Well, my dear brother asked for a favor." She said and Bran just tilted his head.

"What do you need me for?" The raven asked impatiently after resting on her arm.

"Let me borrow your clairvoyance." She said and Bran just squawked at her. "This is rare." He said as he let her borrow his ability. Both of them closed their eyes.

The moment Aosoth opened her eyes, she was able to travel the halls of Hell. She went to Vanth's office, traveling through her perception. The moment she entered the room, Vanth stopped writing. "Who's there?" She asked cautiously.

"This old hag is unexpectedly sharp at times." She whispered to Bran. "She's not." He countered.

"I have the files of Vin." Verin said. He bowed and handed her a file. 'Vin's?' Aosoth was puzzled. Why does she need Vin's file? "Great work. Leave." She coldly said, dismissing the man.

"What's happening?" She was perplexed. "Is she investigating Vin?" Bran speculated. "Why?"

"I don't know but maybe we can have Aym beat the answer out of her." She said. She went closer to Vanth and looked at Vin's file.

There were records and reports of when Vin was fighting as a hunter. Vanth picked up a picture of Lucifer and Vin, Lucifer's eyes were bloodshot and Vin was stopping his hand.

Ao knows when this was. It was when Lucifer wreaked havoc on Earth and Vin stopped him. This was hundreds of centuries ago. 'Why is she digging so deep?'

'This was during that time... Is she perhaps--'

Her thoughts were cut abrupt when she felt a tremor in her system. Someone dangerous is close, and Bran can sense it. She quickly went to the door and escaped.

"What a surprise." The demon chuckled, blocking the door, looking at her straight to her eyes.

Aosoth was stunned as she looked at his blue, threatening eyes. She's in clairvoyance yet he's looking at her straight to her eyes.

She felt his heavy gaze, making her freeze where she was. His tremendous power overwhelmed her. She's among the most powerful demons on Hell but this demon is overpowering her with his stare alone. For a minute she couldn't see anything but his eyes, she didn't know who he was.

"Aosoth, what brought you here?" He asked with a playful smile, slowly reaching out for her throat. She looked at him with dread as she realized who it was.


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