16 | The Field of Reminiscence

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"Then he told me, it was his child."

'Lucifer had a child from an angel and it was brutally murdered in front of him.'  Chamuel felt a tug in her heart. She pictured everything that Vin told her. 

"What do you want to eat?" Vin asked her which snapped her from her thoughts. "Steak." She shortly answered, Vin just nodded.

Chamuel was quiet for the whole evening which bothered Vin. He couldn't say anything to comfort her though, he didn't know how to comfort anyone. He's one of the most heartless demons after all.

They finished eating and went back to Chamuel's room yet Chamuel was still deep in her thoughts, thinking about the Nephilim. 

Vin felt like he was being tortured but he doesn't know what to do so he just endured it. "You should rest. It's been a long day." He said as he tucked in Chamuel.

She nodded and laid down.

The next morning, Chamuel woke up with dark circles under her eyes. "Did you even sleep a wink?" Vin asked with a raised eyebrow. Chamuel sighed and shook her head. "Did you?"

Demons do sleep but Vin rarely did. Not to mention, the feeling he had earlier still bothered him. His guts are telling him that something is not right, he can't put his finger on it but he can feel it. Thus, he didn't sleep, protecting Chamuel for whatever might come.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" Vin asked after they're done eating. Chamuel just shook her head. "I think I'll just stay inside the room." And they did. Chamuel slept until evening.

"Slept well, princess?" Vin asked after Chamuel woke up from her sleep. She smiled at him.

"Dress up, we're going somewhere." Vin said as he handed her a clean set of clothes.

"Is this Aosoth's as well?" She asked as she makes her hair in front of the mirror. "Uh." Vin answered from the other side of the door. He's waiting outside until Chamuel finished with everything.

"Where are we going?" Chamuel asked after she got out of their room. "Just follow me." Vin answered with a smile. Chamuel shrugged and followed him.

They rode the elevator in silence until Chamuel broke it. "Does hell have the same dates as the mundane world?"

Vin looked at her curiously. "Yes, why?" Chamuel sighed again. "It'll be my mother's death anniversary tomorrow then." 

'Is that also why she's feeling under the weather?'  Vin thought to himself as he looked at her. He couldn't say anything else though.

After a few minutes, the elevator chimed and they arrived at another floor with the usual classy interior of hell. Chamuel didn't see anything special about the place though. It seemed like there is a reception area and two hallways.

"What are we doing here?" She asked in a whisper because of how silent the floor was.

Their heels clicked as they walked towards the receptionist who is constantly typing on their computer. After noticing them, she raised her eyes and cleared her throat. "Sir Vin. May I know why you are here?" The woman politely asked as she adjusted her spectacles.

"A visit." Vin answered shortly. The woman just nodded her head and typed in her computer. "To where?"

"The Field of Reminiscence."
The woman looked a little surprised but typed in her computer and nodded. "You may enter." Vin nodded and went to the right side.

Chamuel was confused. 'What is happening?' She asked herself as she walked in confusion. Vin usually told him where they're going or why they're going there. 'Is he on another mission?' She speculated.

They stopped in front of a small door made out of what seemed to be twigs. There were vines that crawled around it, supporting it and keeping it all together. Flowers also bloomed and hung from it. The door looked simple yet beautiful.

"What's this?" She asked as she admired the entrance of the room. The door creaked as Vin pushed it.

The moment Chamuel saw what's inside, her eyes flickered with amazement and admiration.

"The Field of Reminiscence."

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