15 | The Story of The Last Nephilim

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"Wait. Vin, can we talk for a moment?" Aym said with dread in his eyes.

Vin left with Aym for a couple of minutes. Chamuel waited at the Prosecution Department's library.

She tried searching for books but they were all written in a language she doesn't know so she just looked at the pictures. 

She was too engrossed with looking at them that she didn't notice Vin who is sitting beside her.

"Vin!" She said in surprise. "Where's Aym?" She asked then looked around.

"He went back to the Jury Room." Vin answered then looked at the picture that Chamuel was looking at. "Can you even read this?" He asked as he saw the demonic language.

"No, I was just looking at the pictures. What are these?" She asked then pointed at a picture of a baby. The picture showed a baby on top of other creatures, those below it seemed to be reaching for the baby rather than lifting the baby.

"That's a Nephilim." Vin answered. Chamuel tilted her head sideward, curious about the word. "What's a Nephilim?"

"A Nephilim is the offspring of a demon and an angel."

Her eyes widened with curiosity and amazement. "That really happens?"

"Seldom but yes, especially during the early years."
Vin answered with a shrug.

"Why don't they happen that much anymore?"

"Heaven didn't approve of them."


"It's a long story."
Vin said, sounding too exhausted even before he can tell the story.

"Come on, tell me. It's not like we have anything better to do."
Chamuel said, trying to convince him. Vin sighed as he started.

"Consuming the heart of a Nephilim gives you the power even greater than an angel's and demon's. You can even become on par with God or Lucifer themselves. That's why every time a Nephilim is born, it ignites a war. Which is why they became a taboo, heaven decided that execution will befall for every Nephilim born."

"Isn't that kind of harsh?" Chamuel said with pity. Vin shrugged. He's one of the most heartless demons out there, he seldom feels pity for anyone.

"However, hundreds of centuries ago, a
 Nephilim was born. It caused havoc among heaven and hell, yet again. Creatures of different kinds hunted for it, killed for it."

Chamuel couldn't help but get goosebumps by the way Vin said the story.

"Lucy went up to form a truce. He wanted to protect the child, he believed that it was innocent. They were firm with their decision to execute the child though, so his efforts were in vain. He descended down to Earth to find the child himself and protect it."

Chamuel was surprised. She didn't think that Lucifer would do that, he is the devil himself after all. 

"However, when he came down he immediately saw the child, he watched as a wraith carved the baby's heart out. It consumed the heart so Lucy couldn't even revive the child. The wraith became powerful yet it was nothing compared to Lucy's wrath."

She felt heartbroken and petrified after hearing the gruesome story. 'It was just a baby.' She thought as she looked at the picture again. She knows it wasn't that Nephilim but still, how can anyone carve out the heart of an innocent child?

"Lucy wrecked the whole place. He dragged the wraith down to the pits of hell, torturing it himself. He was devastated by the loss of the child."

"Were you there when it happened?"

"I wasn't really there but as soon as I felt his wrath, I came up and tried to stop him."
 Vin said, getting more engrossed with his own story as the memories come rushing back to him.

He can clearly remember everything that has happened that day. The bloodshot eyes of Lucifer, his wings that stabbed everything that it saw, and his bloody arms holding the corpse of the Nephilim.

It looked like a normal baby. Vin actually felt a pinch in his heart when he saw it's lifeless body.

"He was raving, I almost couldn't stop him. I talked some sense into him though so he calmed down a little."
 He said, staring at the picture in the book, remembering the baby that Lucifer held.

"What did you say?"
Chamuel asked, snapping him from his emotional thoughts.

"I can't really remember but I promised him that it won't happen again."
He said then cleared his throat. That was a lie though. He clearly remembers the words he spoke and the promise he made.

"He looked so broken. It was the first time I saw him like that. He's always been a softie but I didn't expect him to be like that just because of a baby."

"Then he told me, it was his child."

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