23 | The Night of The Dead

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He helped her stand up and let her rest in his bed. "Subtly call for my legion to gather at my sector, we'll hold a meeting. Disguise it as a celebration for the night of the dead." He commanded her and she nodded.

Nightfall came and despite the short notice, the heads and second in commands of Vin's 36 legions all came in Vin's designated sector.

Each earl, marquis, and princes of hell have each of their own sectors. A place where they can train, live and gather. It is considered as their headquarters. Vin hasn't called his legions for a battle ever since he has stopped being a hunter. He rarely summoned them but they did usually hold an annual celebration for the night of the dead or Halloween in the human world.

Chamuel quietly followed Vin as they walk the halls that Chamuel hasn't seen before. It was less extravagant and more medieval-looking than most floors that they've been to. 'This floor feels weirder than most floors.'

They were still far from the room but loud cheers and festive music can be heard blaring in the room. Chamuel somehow felt excited and anxious at the same time. 'Those screams can't be because of torture right?' She thought while walking towards the room.

As Vin opened the door, the loud voices of men and women became even more thunderous. Some were laughing while some were plainly causing a ruckus just by talking.

"Aye! Sir Vin has arrived!" One of the men shouted which made them all whip their heads to the door.

They cheered and hooted, welcoming their commander and his companion.

"Wh-Who are they?" She asked in a whisper, a little overwhelmed by their atmosphere. Vin smiled at her and placed his hand on her lower back to guide her. "They can be trusted, they may look really rowdy but they're loyal to me."

"They're my legion. Rest and celebrate without a worry."
He said and she didn't know why but just like that, she trusted his words and eased herself.

Not even a minute later, the men have already dragged Chamuel and have engaged in a conversation about her life. She told them funny stories with glee in her voice. They were either kind enough to laugh along with her or too drunk to even know what she's talking about.

Nevertheless, after a while, they were able to make Chamuel drink a bunch of ale and pint. She was cheery and starting celebrating with Vin's men. Even though some of them looked partly demonic, Chamuel didn't look bothered or afraid at all.

Everyone's enthusiastic at the feast that is currently happening. Boisterous laughs can be heard echoing through the chambers. Stories of old times are being reminisced, legends are being passed down, and myths are being told. The celebratory atmosphere made everyone feel a bit frenzy as they drank their glass of pint and wines.

Some are dancing while some are singing. They bonded and shared their zealous energy with one another; creating a perfect synergy.

Vin crept in the shadows, silently watching with a small smile playing on his lips. Even he cannot help but be swayed by their festive spirits. But what caught his eyes is a red-headed woman laughing as she dances on top of the table while singing all the while. She seemed luminous among everyone in the room.

"May I have a moment with you?" He snapped out of his thoughts when Lilin asked him.

"What is it?" He replied with a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

"What is your relationship with her?" She asked him, pertaining to Chamuel.

"That is none of your concern." He dismissively said and was about to leave when she asked him again.

"Are you in love with her?" She said while her voice is on the brink of breaking.

He stopped on his tracks and thought about it. Is he? He himself doesn't know the answer to that. All he knows is that he has to protect her. And that he cannot forgive anyone if they hurt her.

She has this certain impact on him and he can't put his finger on it but she's special for some unknown reasons.

"And if I am?" He replied without facing her.

"We don't have a lot of rules here, seeing as we often break them anyway. I do not forbid you from being together with her. But are you sure you still want to be with her, even if it means you're walking her towards her doom?"

"Are you willing to continue this, knowing it can ruin her? Is she ready to forsake her holiness for this thing you're deeming to be love?"
She continued, stepping forward and turning him around to see his face.

He spared her a glance. 'Holiness?'

"We love each other. That's what matters." He said, his resolution not wavering.

That was a lie of course. He didn't know how Chamuel felt for him and neither did he know what he feels for her. But saying this to Lilin might be the only way for her to let go of this topic.

Right now, they are on the verge of breaking out into war, the last thing he needs is a strong companion losing her strength just because of a petty thing like love.

"And how sure are you that your 'love' will not wilt, just like everything a human feels?" She tried to persuade him once again.

"Who knows, our future is yet to unfold." He said and looked at her from afar.

He might not know how they feel for each other but one thing is for certain, 'I'll fight for her, even if it means I'll fight the heavens or hell.'

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